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Elara woke up the next morning and looked at Lucius, who was still sleeping, his arms still wrapped around her, taking advantage of this, she snuggled closer to him. His hold on her tightened as his eyes opened. He kissed the top of her head

"Good Morning Mrs Malfoy." He smiled

"Good morning and happy birthday Mr Malfoy." She replied as he let out a happy sigh.

"I never want to get out of this bed," Elara said, making Lucius chuckle

"I am afraid we must, dear. We have to get a few more house elves and get ready for our honeymoon" Lucius said, getting out of bed. He helped his wife up and caught her as she stumbled

"Steady there."
"Sorry. My legs are jelly" She blushed with embarrassment and squealed as Lucius carried her to the bathroom, where he flicked his wrist, turning the shower on.

Lucius was a very fast-paced man, he liked to be quick with most things and that was his biggest flaw. His soulmate seemed o take her time with things, and make sure they were done to a perfect standard.

So while Elara finished getting dressed, Lucius was downstairs at the breakfast table, drinking tea while awaiting his wife.

So while Elara finished getting dressed, Lucius was downstairs at the breakfast table, drinking tea while awaiting his wife

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He noticed that Elara wore brighter colours, a complete contrast to himself and the manor, perhaps she was an angel.

"This manor is huge," She said, sitting across from her husband, it was then that he realised that she hadn't been shown around

"Perhaps a tour is in order? Did you find your way around alright?" He asked, pouring her some tea.

"Thank you. I used a tracking spell" She smiled. Lucius chuckled at her idea.

"Did you grow up here?" She asked

"No, my grandfather did and during his later years he got very sick, so I stayed here to be of use to him."

"That is very kind." She said as their breakfast appeared in front of them

"I did what any good Grandchild would, how about yours?" Lucius asked, cutting up a sausage

"Grandfather Rosier was quite horrid, insisted that we were good for nothing women and we would only be useful for a man's pleasure. He was incredibly abusive to my mother"

"What an awful man," Lucius said, appalled

"Grandfather Black never got to meet me, He passed before Andromeda was born, but Father says he was quite a funny man and loved my mother. When he found out what Grandpa Rosier had done t my mother he nearly killed the man."

"He sounds a lot kinder. Do you have any aunts other than Walburga?"

"Mother has sisters, but they don't speak to one another, so I never met them. Do you have aunts, uncles, or cousins?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2023 ⏰

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