chapter 11

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"Nitara , I have to leave mija . I have a very important meeting today and I know you hate being alone so for your company I've invited leo . That kid was more than happy to be with you" papa says as he fix his tie.

"It's f-fine papa. Leo i-is fun to be with" I assure him .

He walks up to me and kisses my forehead. "mia figlia I know that I don't spend time you as much as I should and also you don't like all the guards around the house but I really want you to understand that I have a lot of enemies mija and I just want to protect you"

"D-do you do bad t-things papa?" I ask cocking my head to my side.

"Yes I do tara but I do it to those who deserve it" he explains.

"It's n-not good to hurt others papa . T-there are ot-other ways but I w-will try to understand " I mutter .

"Stay safe my treasure. Leo is here" he mumbled picking up the files and walking out of the house.

He leaves and not even a minute later. The pretty blonde with green eyes comes into the view. Leo isn't dressed in a suit today rather he is wearing a olive green sweatshirt with black sweats and Jordans .

"Hello my bestfriend. Look at you looking beautiful as ever" leo yells as he rushes for a hug.

I run up to him and he catches me mid-air hugging me tightly.

"Leo p-put me down" I giggled .

"Here you go pretty girl now let's go . I have everything planned for us. First we are going to order pizza and then we are going to watch Tangled and you young woman are telling me about all your naughty deeds." He smirks.

"W-what n-no leo . I don't know what you're talking about" I hide my face in the cushion.

"Hmm sure . Now where is that hot stuff . Did you guys do the deed yet" he asks curiously.

"What deed leo?" He was about to answer me but his phone started to ring and a deep blush appeared on his face.

He quickly declines the call and returns his attention to me but I'm not letting that slide. Hehe.

"Hmm so wh-who is th-that leo?" I ask as I pinch his arm .

"Ouch Jesus women. Cazzo. You are so mean." He pouts like a child.

"Oh n-no leo I'm s-sorry . I promise I d-didn't mean t-to touch you without co-consent. I even h-hurt you. I-I am sorry ." I apologise.

I never meant to touch him without consent and hurt him . I'm not like Carlo . N-no please no.

"mio Dio. No Tara I was just joking relax." He hugs me in attempt to calm me down .

"Ok then tell me w-who called y-you" I quickly say as I sit up straight.

"You fucking trickster. Dio, fine it's this guy I'm seeing. Wait - hold up . You know that I'm gay right. Does it like um- you know bother you. If it does I'm totally fine with it . I'll leave and never come bac- " I put my hand on his mouth to stop him from uttering another word.

"Leo y-you being gay will never b-bother me . I-infact I am happy. I a-always wanted a gay bestie. So what is his name ." I ask him excitedly moving forward as if I'll miss a word if I sit straight.

"So I met him at a bar and his name is Luca . He's half Asian and half Italian but woman he's hot" he sighs dreamily.

I wonder if they have done the deed yet. Whatever that means .

"Have y-you done the deed yet?" I cock my head to the side .

He chokes on his drink and coughs agressively.

"Nitara I swear you have no filter. And to answer the question yes we have not once, many times." He winks at me .

"O-ok what deed by t-the way . Did you g-guys play dollhouse?" I mutter lowly

"Lord save me from this young lady. I'm going to corrupt this little brain of yours" he yells looking up at the ceiling as if he'll see God there.

"Ok so deed means you know um - god giving sex ed was never this difficult. So you know kissing and then mmm mmm. " He explains grabbing the phone to order pizza and putting blankets on our lap .

"What is t-that mm mm thingy y-you did ?" Wow this interesting.
Even I have done the deed then . I kissed on the cheek yesterday. Yay we've done the deed.

"Ask nico about it pumpkin . He'll let you know or maybe he'll show you " he elbows me giving a sheepish smile.

"Ok I'll ask him o-only- ommph . Leo you can't just snatch the chips f-from me . N-no that's bad m-manners . Didn't y-your mom or d-dad teach you" I regret as soon as the word dad leaves my mouth. Leo freezes. Completely.

"D-did I do something w-wrong leo?" I ask grabbing his hands.

Shit. I always ruin everything. No wonder why Carlo hurt me and dad never wanted me for so long.

"It's ok pumpkin. You did nothing wrong . My dad is just not the best person in the word . Y'know" he gives me a sad smile.

"Anyways forget it let us watch the movie and our pizza is also on the way. Yes?" He mutters returning his attention to the screen .

I'm sorry leo . I didn't mean to make you sad.

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