Madame Hydra's glare landed on her attack, the Winter Soldier. "What," asked a defiant Bucky as he charged the laser in his cybernetic arm, "You said to do better." Dugan grabbed Yo-Yo's lifeless fom and rushed her over to the rest of the team.

Captain America checked her pulse, letting out a sigh of relief when he found she was still alive. Cap looked up to Dugan, "I need you to execute Plan B."

Dugan gave Cap a sour expression, "It's going to take some time."

Suddenly, the rubble around them began to leviate, leaving them exposed. Madame Hydra floated down to the ground in front of them, the scowl of her face made it clear she was far from amused at their attempts. "This has grown boring, don't you agree Captain," taunted Madame Hydra, "It's clear you can't hurt me. But can you say the same about each other." Captain America grimaced as he felt something probing his mind, the stabbing pain making him fall to his knees. Cap did his best to repel the psychic attack, barely holding on. "Your will is strong Captain," Madame Hydra praised, "Unfortunately for you, your friends are not so lucky." Captain America turned to his team, feeling a sinking dread in his stomach. Bucky, Mockingbird, Coulson, Agent 13 and Maria all had a green light emitting from their eyes, each had their weapons in hand. Bucky aimed his wrist laser at Cap and fired for his friend's head.

Cap lifted his shield and blocked the attack. He looked down at the courtyard hundreds of feet below them. He turned to Dugan, "We need to jump." Dugan nodded and picked up Yo-Yo, leaping off of the tower with Cap. The two SHIELD agents began to plummet towards the ground. Moments before he made contact with the ground, Cap brought his shield between he and the concrete. Landing on the shield, Cap allowed it to absorb the impact of the fall. Dugan landed next to him soon after, cratering the ground beneath him. Captain America looked up to see Madame Hydra and her team of mind-controlled SHIELD agents flying down to the courtyard. "How long until Plan B gets here," asked Cap.

"It's still a few minutes out," answered Dugan.

Cap reached for his ear piece, "Quake, Cat, have you secured Spider-Man? We need back-up."

"We're closing in on Spider-Man's location," Quake responded blasting a group of HYDRA soldiers several feet backwards. She and Felicia had made quick work of the goons that had challeged them on their way to save Spidey, Felicia especially. The cat burgalar threw mercy out the window, maiming any and every poor soul that seperate her from Peter. The duo stopped in front of the room where Diamondback had been in. Without hesitation, Quake blasted the door in, catching the Serpents by surprise.

Felicia immediately saw red. Felicia leapt into the room before any of the Sepent Society could react, pounding away at Coachwhip's face until the silver haired woman lost consciousness. Anaconda rushed to help her comrade but was thrown back by a blast from Quake. The Inhuman agent blasted Anaconda into the wall, knocking the half-nude villianess out. Asp raised her hand to fire a venom blast at Felicia, but was caught off guard when Diamondback grabbed her wrist. Diamondback wrenched Asp's arm around her back and pinned her face first to the wall. "Sorry girls," Diamondback apolgized as she cuffed Asp.

"Rachel, what the hell," cried a pissed Black Mamba. Before she could join the fight, Felicia sprang up and punched her sqaure in the jaw. With Black Mamba stunned, the cloud of Darkforce disappeaed, revealing a nude and exhausted Peter lying prone on a matress.

Felicia rushed over to Peter, lifting his head into her lap, "Spidey! Are you ok? Please don't be dead..."

"Felicia," Peter weakily replied, "Where are we?"

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