The Goblin growled at Iron Man, slashing at him with his clawed hands. He turned to Peter with an annoyed face, "Parker, I told you to..." Before the Goblin could finish his sentence, Peter's entire body was covered in the symbiote, turning him into Carnage. He hit the Goblin with an uppercut as hard as he could with his new strength, sending the villain flying yards away. The symbiote controlled Peter let out a blood curdling screech before shooting a web at Kraven's back. He pulled the villain towards him and dropped kicked Kraven once in reach. Symbiote Peter jumped up to dodge a large amount of sand heading towards him. Peter got an adamantium containment box from one of squad trucks and proceeded to vacuum up parts of the Sandman.

The Goblin groaned and held his shaking head as he stood up. Peter pounced on him, pushing the grotesque monster on his back. "I'm...Sick...Of...You...In...My... Life," exclaimed Peter as he punched The Goblin with each word. Otto shot one of his cybernetic arms at Peter and grabbed him by his throat. Otto lifted the blood thirsty teenager up and flung him into the White House.

The staff in the Oval Office gasped when Peter crashed through the window. He fell onto the President's desk and destroyed it. He groaned as the symbiote retreated into his body, "Ochymama."

The Wasp flew around Otto's head, her wings buzzing in his ears and shot at his face. "Octavius, look what you've done to yourself," exclaimed Wasp as she dodged Otto's swatting hand, "You were a man of science! A man of impeccable…"

Wasp was cut off when one of Otto's arms caught her wing. He sneered at the tiny woman, "Don't lecture me!"

Wasp glared at Otto and tried to fight out of his grip, "You used to be a man of integ-" Before she could finish, Otto flicked her out of the White House gates. Wasp let out a pained groan as she sat up from the concrete sidewalk. She scowled with her fists clenched, "All right then."

Wasp jumped up and flew as fast as she could towards Otto. Otto let out an angry scream as his arms deflected Hawkeye's arrows. Wasp flew directly into his mouth and shot an electric blast from her stingers. Otto cried out in agony and passed out, falling over. Wasp crawled out of his agape mouth, "And that makes me the first person in the history of the world to be totally cover in gingivitis."

Peter turned around when his spider sense went off. He gritted his teeth when he saw Kraven perched in the window sill. Kraven bared his animal like teeth, "And there you are… a boy!" Kraven hopped down and slowly walked over to Peter who was shielding the innocent people also in the office. "Kraven the Hunter was humiliated by a boy," Kraven growled, nearing Peter, "Well, little boy, I've become what I've become for one purpose…"

"Blah blah," interrupted Peter, rolling his eyes.

"I'm going to eat your heart," screamed Kraven before he lunged forward at Peter. Peter got ready to fight but was surprised to see a bolt of lightning come through the window and go through Kraven's chest.

Peter walked over and stared at Kraven's spasming and sizzling body, "Sheesh."

Thor looked down at the White House and back at Electro, "You do realise you have injured your comrade?"

Electro shrugged, "Eh, I never liked him anyway."

Iron Man cried out as Sandman's giant arm fell down on his armored chest. The sound of static filled the armor again, "Mr Stark we're back online. Which genetic code sequence do you want first?"

"Hold on, my armor has to reboot," Iron Man replied before firing a blast at Sandman. He kept shooting the villain to disable him, "I'm gonna go with the Sandman file."

After a few seconds, his armor chimed, "File upload complete."

Iron Man quickly aimed at Sandman's chest and fired a blue laser beam. Sandman let out an agonized scream as his body started to crumble into a pile of sand. Iron Man smirked underneath his helmet, "File received."

Captain America whacked The Goblin in the face with his shield, "It's over Osborn, just drop!"

The Goblin roared as more of Hawkeye's arrows found their way into his back. He punched at Cap's shield, pushing him back a few feet. "Captain, even though you and I are besides the point of all this…" The Goblin started. He thrusted his fist forward, shooting fire at Captain America, "It is my honor to kill you today!"

Captain America shield threw his shield at The Goblin's face, "Quiet!"

The Goblin's eyes went ablaze. He shot flames from his eyes, sending the captain flying backwards. "FURY! I WANT FURYYY," exclaimed The Goblin. He fired the blast from his eyes keeping away the Avengers, "I WANT TO SHOW FURY WHAT HIS LAST DAY LOOKS LIKE! I WANT TO SHOW HIM WHO DID THIS TO-"

"Dad," said a familiar voice

The Goblin turned around to see Harry standing in the middle of the demolished lawn, "Dad."

The Goblin's eyes widened in shock, "Harry?"

Peter gasped when he saw Harry standing before his father as he stepped out onto the balcony, "Om my god, Harry."

Harry's entire body was trembling as he stepped closer to his father," They told me to tell you…" His heart stopped for a second, "That you need to stop this. You have to stop this."

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