"You're all invited!" She yelled and everyone cheered besides Kurt and I.

"But you have to bring a date. No single people allowed." She said and I interrupted her.

"What if my boyfriend is blind?" I asked and she turned to me and pouted.

"Sorry, Sami but I can't have your sadness ruining the Sugar Shack, so you have to bring a date." She sighed and I groaned.

"What's got you in such a good mood?" I asked Kurt, who was smiling like crazy, as we stood in the lunch line.

"Cam sent me a Valentine's day card." He smiled, pulling out a rather cringy card.

"It says from your secret admirer?" I said, reading the card.

"So romantic." He blushed and it made me want to die.

We sat at the table and Kurt gushed over his card, everyone else had the same reaction as I did. We were approached by someone in a gorilla suit, holding balloons.

"A gorilla gram? Pour moi?" He grinned, and took the card.

"Be my valentine, from your secret admirer. Well, I wonder who it could be! Will you tell me who it is, Valentine gorilla?" He asked the gorilla, who just shook its head no and walked away.

Rachel and Finn announced their engagement, which I wasn't necessarily against, because while they were very young and not ready to handle a marriage, they were also in love, and they were soulmates so I supported them, because they had made their choice and there was no stopping them.

"Okay, well on that note, can I do my song now, Mr. Schue?" I stood up and he nodded.

"This is dedicated to Blaine, who I really wish could be here, but well, he isn't so, yeah." I smiled and the band started playing.

"Rachel, I just wanted to say that I support your decision to marry Finn. If you truly believe your soulmates, you should have the right to love whoever you want." I said to Rachel as we were walking in the courtyard and we were approached by Sam, Mercedes, Quinn and a kid I didn't recognize.

"Have fun!" Rachel winked then she walked away, I assume they had already done this to her.

"Are you Samantha Fabray?" Sam asked, and I looked around, confused.

"Yes?" I laughed slightly.

"We're the God Squad and we're here to deliver a vocal valentine from one Blaine Anderson." Mercedes smiled and Sam began to play on his guitar.


Well you done done me in; you bet I felt it

I tried to be chill but you're so hot that I melted

I fell right through the cracks

Now I'm trying to get back

Before the cool done run out

I'll be giving it my bestest

Nothing's going to stop me but divine intervention

I reckon it's again my turn to win some or learn some


But I won't hesitate no more, no more

It cannot wait, I'm yours


Well open up your mind and see like me

Open up your plans and damn you're free

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