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~~~ A/N: Second to last chapter ~~~

"Lou, that is not helping." Natalie says sassily, watching Louis lay on the bed and throw clothes at one of their boxes. 

"What do you mean?" He asks with a lopsided grin.  

"Baby. I really do like you very much, but stick to football." She says, turning back to her own box as he misses again. 

"Hey," he says getting up, "You called it football." He says happily.

"Ugh, you've rubbed off on me," she groans. 

"Lovely. Just as I hoped." He says, coming up behind her and resting his chin on her shoulder. 

"You know," she replies, turning around in his arms. "You're really quite distracting in that tank top."

She pulls back a little and eyes him. 

"How do you mean?" He asks with a smirk.

She sighs happily as he starts placing little kisses on her neck. "I um seem to remember telling you," he giggles as she stumbles over her words a bit. "I like you very much in black." 

He pulls back to look at her and she takes the fabric of his shirt by his collarbones in between her two fingers. 

"Oh, must have forgotten." His smirk is big enough to win a world record at this point. 

"Did you now?" She asks as she rolls her eyes. 

He kisses her cheek and buries his head in the crook of her neck. "Mind telling me again?"

"This is really not productive," she complains, but has a wide smile on her face. 

"We have time," he replies. 

She rubs her hands up and down his arms and sighs again. He gives her a shy smile and she caves instantly. 

"Louis, you look so incredibly," she kisses him, "Amazingly handsome. All of the time really, but especially in black." She says and kisses him again. 

He hums against her lips and pulls her closer. He leans his head back and sticking a hand on each of her cheeks. She closes her eyes as his thumbs brush back and forth. 

"You are, you know?" He asks quietly. 

"Hm, what?" She quirks her head to the side. 

"You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, I meant it when I said it. I just feel like, I don't know the moment was rushed, but I want you to know its true."

She takes a minute, closing her eyes because her heart might just explode out of her chest. "I could really fall in love with you too," she replies. 

"Really?" He giggles, he actually giggles and her heart can barely stand it. 

"Truly," she kisses his cheek, "Madly," his forehead, "Deeply." And lastly his lips. 

"You did not just quote to me one of my bands own songs." He says incredulously. 

"Oh come on, I had to at least once. I've been good for so long."

"Have you?" 

"I thought so," she shrugs. 

"Hm, very good," he hums and kisses her again. 

And so it takes much longer than it should to pack up their things, too many "little breaks" are taken and there are many, many distractions. Maybe it's because they know this is their last little bit of privacy for a while or maybe not but either way its well into the night before they decide to call it quits. 

They only have a few days to pack up their stuff and put whatever they won't take with them in storage, whatever they won't be able to fit into 2 suitcases. 

Natalie was not very happy to hear she could only have 2 suitcases, but thankfully all the boys are on her side. Liam bargained that her work stuff should not have to count in the bags. That helped quite a bit. 

Still though, she's stressed. 

She starts at it again at a time that Louis deems is far too early to get up. He pulls her pillow over his head, rolls over and goes back to sleep. He's never been a morning person. 

She smiles despite his crankiness and kisses the tiny patch of his forehead that peaks out from behind the pillows. 

She has to cut down a lot on clothes, that's the most challenging thing to her. Yeah, they'll spend a lot of time traveling just sitting on the bus, but she can't wear sweatpants and leggings every day. Well she can, but Zayn suggested bringing some clothes that are comfortable but that don't feel as much like pajamas, it helps to feel like things are a little more normal than they actually are. 

About an hour later, Louis stumbles into her room and onto her bed. He plops down with a groan and she's not sure he has even opened his eyes yet. 

"Morning love," he mumbles. 

"Morning," she says happily. She walks over to the bed, puts one hand on either side of his head, and hovers over him. 

He opens his beautiful blue eyes and a small smile starts to form on his face. She kisses it away, leaving him with a bigger one when she pulls back. 

"Now that you're up, blue shirt or purple shirt?" She asks, holding up each in her hands. 

He sits up, resting on one forearm to hold himself up. "Love, just take both."

"Lou, we've discussed this, at length." She says narrowing her eyes at him. "I'm worried I won't have the space."

"Just put some things in my suitcase then," he says, laying back down and turning his attention to his phone. "Or wear my clothes," he turns his head to the side to look at her a second, "I like that better anyway."

She makes her way to the edge of the bed and kneels down on the floor next to him. "Have I told you you're an angel?"

"Don't think you have," he has the most adorable shy smile. 

"Baby," she looks at him completely serious, "You're an angel."

"Can't say anyone else would agree, but if I'm just your angel that's alright by me." 

She smiles as he pulls her up by the hand, she sits next to him and runs her hand through his hair. 

"Didn't get any cuddles this morning," he pouts. 

"Aw baby," she coos and presses kisses all over his face before laying her head on his chest and tangling her legs with his. 

She looks up at him from where she lays and runs her hands through his hair again. "My angel."

I Hate You ~ Louis TomlinsonWhere stories live. Discover now