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~~~ A/N Last chapter ~~~

It's finally done, it's only been a week of packing but it feels much longer than that. Natalie is not really a fan of packing, she gets anxious and always underestimates how long it will take and then has to do a mad dash to finish. 

For their last night in the house they all eat take out on paper plates and plastic silverware, all the kitchen stuff was packed up by her and Harry earlier this afternoon. It was a loud process really, she and Harry sang and laughed the entire time. 

Liam and Niall took care of the bathrooms and garage and Zayn and Louis the basement and living room. Liam had set it all up, he figured if everyone had a buddy it was more likely to get done. 

So, here they sit, in the basement that's not even furnished anymore, a mess of blankets and pillows and snacks. They're reminiscing of their time spent in the house and talking about which cities they're excited for on tour. 

"I can't believe it's over. Five months felt like such a long time five months ago." Natalie says, breaking the happy chatter. 

"It's the start of something though," Louis says, grabbing her hand. "Something great," he smiles at her. 

She leans into his shoulder, she's sufficiently killed the mood now. 

"I can't believe it's our last night here," Niall says. 

The boys all mumble out various yeahs. 

"I can't believe we've all never had a sleepover!" Natalie exclaims. 

"What do you mean love? This whole thing's basically been a sleepover." He questions. 

"No, I mean like everyone brings their blankets in here and we all sleep down here! Come on, it's a great idea!" She says getting up excitedly. 

"Sleep, on the floor?" Liam asks skeptically.

"Yeah! Everyone get all their pillows too! Harry go make popcorn." Niall says, joining in on the plan.

"Yeah! Last movie night, this is great!" Harry says. 

The three of the stand up, joined together with their arms around each other's back, looking down at the other three boys. 

"Come on Z, what do you say?" Niall asks, extending his arm down to help him get up.

"Yeah, why not?" He replies happily joining their little team. 

"You're outnumbered boys, don't fight it." She says sassily. 

"Alright," Louis huffs rolling his eyes. "I'm in."

"Sure," Liam says, pushing off the floor. "Why spend our last night in good beds when we could sleep on the floor." He grumbles. 

"Oh come on, it'll be fun!" Natalie exclaims, locking their arms together and skipping up the stairs. 

"As if you'd turn her down Lou, no one believed that for a second." Zayn teases Louis as they make their way up the stairs. 

About 20 minutes later, they all make their way back downstairs. Natalie is practically buzzing, very happy with her idea and the way its coming together. 

"Thankfully, Li had the amazing idea to check the garage and look what we found!"

"Ohhh the mats from when Harry forced us to do yoga, how fun," Niall teases. 

"M' just trying to keep us healthy," Harry huffs. "But aren't you glad now, hm?"

"Yes Harry, we all thank you for your diligence." Zayn teases. 

I Hate You ~ Louis TomlinsonWhere stories live. Discover now