After the announcement to the cast, Candice, Kat, and Arielle took me apart from my husband and the guys. I asked "What's the matter ?" Kat said "We just wanted to know something about your announcement." Arielle continued "So I guess you can't be pregnant ?" I mean your health issues haven't been solved, aren't they ?" My smile dropped, I really wanted to cry as tears started to form in my eyes. The girls looked at me and said all together "Awww sorry Neens." and they engulfed me into a girlie group hug. I managed to say "Yeah I can't be pregnant due to my uterus dysmorphia, because I could be in danger and the baby could have had only 3% of chances to survive, which is really low."

After that I cried, I think no one could understand the pain I feel since I discovered I couldn't carry a baby. It has been destroying me since Paul and I found out. I went through depression and got eating disorder. To be honest that was the worst phase of my life, it took me 3 years to went through that nightmare. I'm glad that it's now over, and I'm thankful to have Paul in my life because I couldn't have been able to face my health issues without him, he was the only one I was fighting for and who gave me strength.

Arielle said "Neens I know you've been through a rough and a really hard period. But now think positive honey, you're going to adopt a child, isn't that amazing !!" I replied still sobbing "Of course I'm happy, but the fact that the child isn't biologically mine is something hard. But it doesn't mean that I'm not gonna love my adopted child. There are so much orphans who need to be loved, I'm so glad that Paul and I reached the top of the waiting list, we were waiting for so long." Kat said "You guys really deserved to be parents, mostly you Neens, you have always been so maternal. I mean look every time you saw a kid you're always going to talk to him . Also you always loved babysitting since your youngest age, I remember when you babysit your adorable neighbour's daughter while you were only 15 years old, and you did a great job. So I have no doubt to the fact that you're going to be an amazing mother." Candice said "Yeah Kat is right. Plus it doesn't matter if the child is yours biologically or not, actually the positive point is that you'll not have to get a baby out of your pussy for hours and hours and screaming in pain." I laughed at her comment and I thought to myself that my friends were all right. I said "Thanks girls for comforting me, I love you." They all replied back 'We love you too', and they hugged me one last time.

Then, Paul walked towards us and said "Hey Neens, we have to go, we have to tell the news to our families." I nodded and said goodbyes to my friends and colleagues and we headed to the car.

Once we were in the car, Paul asked me, putting his hand on my thigh "Are you okay ? You seem like you had cried." I said nothing, then Paul stopped the car and parked on the roadside. He looked at me concerned, I started to cry again. He said "Heyyy baby come here." gesturing me to hug him. He added "I know, I know it's hard for you, but I promise everything will be fine once we will adopted our little girl or boy." I replied "Yeah I know but the fact that everyone now knows that I can't even be able to have a baby of my own is killing me." He said "Nina stop, look at me, don't pay attention to what people may think of you, their opinions don't matter, okay ?" He cupped my face with his hands and he kissed my forehead. I said "Okay I'll try, I'm so glad to have you in my life Paul." He replied "I'll be forever grateful for the most strong wife I've got. I love you sweetheart." I said back "I love you more."


After 30mn of road, we arrived at our house. We went into the house and I saw Nina slumped on the couch. She said "I'm so tired, that 3 hours shot killed me." and I replied "Yeahh I am too." Then I asked "Paul is it okay if I'm not here for the announcement for our families ? I'm so tired that I could sleep within a minute." I replied "Well that will probably be a little bit awkward but it doesn't matter as long as you get some rest, you need to sleep Neens. That's fine, I'll explain to our families, I'm sure they will understand as they know we worked really hard with TVD filming." She got up and said "You're the best, thank you." and she kissed me on the lips and she made her way upstairs to our bedroom.

It was about 2pm, my parents and Nina's parents were supposed to come to take a coffee so that we can make the announcement. This morning I noticed that Nina was really tired, she probably stressed out the whole night about the announcement. So I couldn't blame her if she needed to get some sleep. This new event has been stressful for the 2 of us but a lot more for my wife.

I heard a knock on the door so I went to open the front door, and I saw Nina's parents and mine. I welcomed them in the house and let them sat on the couch in the living room. I asked "Who wants an espresso ?" They all wanted one so I made 4 espresso and brought them to the coffee table. Nina's parents were confused as they didn't saw their daughter so they asked "Where's Nina ?" I answered "Well she was truly tired with work so she went to sleep and she told she was really sorry she couldn't stay awake until you came." They looked sad so I said "But maybe you want me to wake her up, she has already slept more than an hour." Her mother Michaela said "No don't worry, let her sleep, she needs it. Guys you should think of taking more breaks." I replied "I know but the filming of TVD is already planned and as we are both playing the major characters, we must be on set a lot." Michaela said "Yeah I understand, but I hate to see you guys that much tired." My father asked me "Can I have some sugar please ?" I nodded and went to the kitchen and took the sugar.

When I came back to the living room I found Nina walking down the stairs. I said "Oh look who is awake." Nina's parents were happy to see their daughter so they said together "Hi cutie pie, we missed you so much." Then my parents said 'Hi' to Nina and she sat down next to me on the sofa. Nina yawned and her father asked "Are you okay ? You still seemed tired whereas Paul told us you were sleeping ?" Nina answered "Yeah I'm fine, it's just these last weeks I've been kinda stressed out so I have not been able to sleep that much." Michaela concerned asked her daughter "What's wrong ? What is stressing you ?"

Nina looked at me and I clearly understood her sign. I put one of my hand over hers and I smiled at her, nodding a little. She said "Well it's because we have a big news, it's something that we wanted to tell you." Everyone went silent and all gave us confused faces, I continued "It's been a long time that Nina and I thought about it, and a few days ago we learned that it was finally possible. So soon we are going to adopt a child."

Both of our parents gasped, my father said "Wow Paul that's great !!" and my mother said "Omggg I sure you will be a great dad." Michael said sobbing "Aww my baby is going to have a baby. I'm so happy for you guys." and Nina's father said "Congrats guys !! You will form a great family." Nina replied "I'm so relieved that you're all okay with this." I said "Yeah really, thank you for your support." Michaela said "No matter the choices you make I will always respect them and support you guys." Nina hugged her mom and whispered 'Thank you' in her ear. We talked for an hour about the adoption and our parents left our house.

I said to Nina "I'm so excited to have our child." She replied happily "I can't wait too. We just have to wait for a week." I said "Ugh it's so long, I want to take our baby in my arms now." Nina came closer to me and said seductively "Well I can be your baby if you want." I laughed at what she said and I answered "Come here baby, daddy is going to take a good care of you."

End of the 1rst chapter

Tell me what do you think in comments and don't hesitate to vote ;)

-This story is not mine, it's from my friend Selenia

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