The announcement

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I woke this morning next to my beautiful wife Nina. She was still sleeping peacefully, I had to wake her up even if it's against my will, but we had to go to work. I leaned closer over her and kissed her temple slightly. She smiled even if her eyes were still closed, she turned to face me, and finally she opened her eyes filled with love. She was staring at me and she placed her hand on my cheek and said "Good morning handsome." My heart melted when she called me 'handsome', I kissed her back on the lips, and said "Good morning wifey." She smiled again and we kissed again. I said reluctantly "We have to get up and go to work." She nodded and said "Yeah and we also have to tell the news to our colleagues and friends."

We got up and prepared ourselves, I made breakfast while Nina was in the shower. Once she was ready, she went downstairs, we ate breakfast. Next I went to shower while she was brushing her teeth. I was in the bathtub and suddenly I saw Nina's head picked out of bathtub's curtain. She said "Chop chop Paul, we have to be in the car in 10 minutes." I replied seductively "Good it's enough to pleasure you." She sighed at my comment and said "You're unbelievable Paul, but you know we can't, if we are late Julie is going to be mad." I sighed defeated because I know she was right, so I quickly finished my shower and dressed up.

We were on the driveway and in 30 minutes we arrived and parked. We headed to the filming set, and we were on time which was reassuring. We walked over to Julie and said 'Hi' and she said "Are you guys ready to film season 2 episode 7 ?" We both nodded and Nina said "Yes we just have to go to the makeup and hair dresser." Julie said "Yeah good, don't worry we have time, I got a message from Ian, he told me he was stuck in the traffic." We nodded and walked towards the make up and hair rooms.

It took a lot of time to prepare Nina as today she was filming for Katherine's role. The hairdresser changed her hair into wavy and curly hair, she was so pretty with that hairstyle, well actually my wife is gorgeous with any hairstyle she has.

After 30 minutes of preparation, we went to the dress room to change our clothes and dress up as our characters. As we were about to shoot the "Masquerade", Nina was wearing a beautiful black lace tight dress and I was wearing a black suit. Once we were ready Nina turned to me and said "Paul you're drooling." I chuckled and I took her hand and laid a kiss on it, and I said "It's the Katherine effect." She laughed and she hugged me and kissed me lovingly on the lips.

Then we went back on the set and everyone was ready, all the actors we here and prepared. We said 'Hi' to each other and Julie said "Okay guys let's try to film the Masquerade scene in 3 hours. And that will be all for today because we have a technical issue on the Gilbert house, that I hopefully will be repaired for tomorrow." We all nodded and went on set and got ready to film.


It took us a little bit more than 3 hours to film the scene but Julie was pretty happy with our work. Even if it was only 3 hours it was dense and I always stayed focus and concentrate because I was playing the major part of the scene. Now that we finished it's the time for Paul and I to tell everyone the great new !! Once everyone was off set I walked towards Paul and took his hand in mine, I gave him a kiss near his ears so that I whispered "It's time."

He smiled at me and then I said "Guys Paul and I wanted to announce y'all somethings." Candice directly looked at my lower stomach and said "Don't tell me you're..." I shook my head no with a sad face and Paul replaced a strands of my hair behind my ear as I was looking on the ground. He rubbed my shoulder to comfort me and encourage me to talk.

I finally said "We are going to adopt a kid !!" Ian said "Woow congrats love birds." Kat exclaimed "Omggg I can't believe you're going to be both parents." Michael said "That's amazing !!" Julie said "I'm so happy for you, you guys will form a beautiful family !!" Steven said "Great news guys !!" Arielle asked "Congrats !! When are you going to adopt the kid ?" I answered excitedly "In exactly a week !!" Candice said "I can't wait to meet your daughter or your son !!" Paul asked "Btw Julie is it okay if we bring our child here while we are filming ?" She answered "Of course it's fine as long she or he is respectful." I replied "Great, thank you !! We didn't want our kid to be alone while we are on set during the weekend for example." Julie replied "I totally understand, so you can take your kid here, I'm sure your colleagues will be really happy to look after your child while you're filming." Kat said "Yeah of course we will take care of the kid." Paul said laughing and looking at me "I guess our kiddo will have a lot of aunties and uncles." I said "Thank you all for your kind words and support, you're amazing guys."

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