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And then, after six years, he saw him again.


The rough sound of the pencil scratches on paper.
The sound of flowing air from the air conditioner.
The clicking and clacking of keyboards.

I hear it all, but a little too loudly.

Being diagnosed with hypersensitive hearing, sitting in a coffee shop wasn't exactly the definition of "peaceful".



"Oops, sorry, anyways, how have you been? Hanging in there? Ecstatic? Just good?" Sero says, lowering his tone.

"I'm okay, just sitting here," I respond, before sipping my green tea. "I bought you boba, your favorite flavor,"

"Really??" He looks at me, eyes sparkling.

"Thai boba, with a splash of orange," we say, synchronized. "Did you buy your new headphones?" He asks.

"Yea, wearing them now takes a while for them to feel normal," I responded, adjusting them. We had

a small moment of silence before breaking.

"Why'd you call me here anyways? Couldn't you have just texted me?" I ask.

"Nope, you're meeting roommates today," He says. I respond with a confused look.

"Oh right, I didn't tell you yet. You're getting a free scholarship to art school! I won a free scholarship and I put it under your name. I know one of the guys that go there. Most of us went to Highschool together, surprised they'd continue at UA," He says, rambling about his friends.

"Wait, wait, wait, UA?" I interrupt, "Like the University of Arts??" I say, moving forward till I'm an inch away from his face. "Yup, the one where all the top-tier artists apply," he says, tapping my nose.


Soon a girl with pink hair was draped over him, a redhead with insanely sharp teeth was behind, an ash blonde following, a reincarnation of Pikachu, and Jirou.

Wait, Jirou?



"You're going to art school??" We say in sync, pointing fingers.

"Babe, you know Mr.Pokeball over here?"

"Pikachu," I say quietly to myself. I hear a slight snicker from the ash blonde, but no one else notices.

"This is Bakugou, Kirishima, Ashido, Kaminari, and you know, Jirou," Sero says, introducing them all. "They're loud," 

"Yea, I know,"

"What did you say, Prince Zuko?!"

"Loud. Nice to know you watch ATLA though,"

"Why don't you introduce yourself, Polish boy,"

"Todoroki Shoto, I have hypersensitive hearing, try not to be loud, so pretty much everything is loud, but I have headphones on now, so it's slightly better," I say.

"I guess you and Bakubabe are opposites!! He can't hear for shit," Ashido says, pointing at the grumpy one. "STOP- Stop spreading information about me raccoon eyes!!" he retorts.

"Just shut upppp," Sero whines at their bickering.

"So, how'd you get the scholarship?" Jirou asks me, "If I'm being honest, I have no idea," I say.

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