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Genesis-the origin or mode of formation of something.

(Russia pov)


"Russia get up!" I wanted to fucking die, right then and there. I move to my side and look at my phones time. "Ukraine it's only 6:50 leave me alone!" He gave me a dirty look(that bitch), then walked away as if nothing happened.

I lay there, staring at the ceiling, trying to remember what happened yesterday. For some reason I can never remember things. I blame it on my daydreaming. I get up, walk to my closet, and pick out my usual clothes. It's a simple plain black turtleneck, along with black pants and my sweater.

I reach the bathroom feeling more tired then ever (this happens every morning). I brush my teeth and look at myself in the mirror. Holy shit I looked horrible, my hair was a mess and my eye-bags made some parts of my blue stripe look purple. Spitting in the sink, I rinse my mouth and dry my face. I walk to the kitchen and see my brother, Kazakhstan, eating pancakes.

"What the hell!" I look at him as I eat his food. If this kid can eat my food, I'll eat his. "Russia stop it and act normal for once, please." My heart sank, damn it I swear to god he is so annoying sometimes! I look toward my father, who I never realized was there.

"Yes father, I'm sorry."


"Russia, Kaz, it's time to go!" Kaz got up and put his plate away. I grabbed our stuff and we headed outside. "Wait," We both turn too look at Ukraine. "Do you know that guy?" They pointed at a familiar face.

Ah, so he is going to go here now.

"Nah, probably new," Kaz walked away as he said that, so I followed suit. Ukraine had this look in their eyes, but I couldn't tell what it was. Standing at the bus stop I see America. What am I supposed to say to him after last night? It's gonna be so awkward..

"Hey Russia!" I hear him call my name, I pretended like I didn't hear him. I didn't want my sibblings to know I was friends with him, I mean c'mon, he's hot and you could hear girls at the stop already talking about him. He must've got the hint I didn't want to talk with him right now, at least I hope thats what he thinks.

Oh god what if he thinks I don't want to talk to him at all? I mean not that I want to be friends or anything...


As everyone else made their way onto the bus pushing each other I stayed back, it seems like America had the same idea. Once everyone was on we made our way to the bus, I was behind him, he made his way to the very last seat. I look around for another seat but they were all taken. I guess I have no choice but to sit next to him. "Russia," I hear him say. "What?"

"Could you give me a tour of the school? I don't want to go with someone I don't know," America looked at my eyes, I looked at his, well his sunglasses. "Sure, and if you don't mind me asking, why do you have sunglasses on if it's cloudy?" "Uh style choice?" He said as if he were confused too. "hmm," is all I say.

I must've zoned out again because as soon as we reached school, I didn't remember anything after that. I sat at my desk staring out the window, it was a nice day, at least for me, that is. Most people would say it's too gloomy and sad, but I love this weather; the clouds were dark and it was windy, well, I remember it being windy. "Russia?" I turned to the front and see my teacher glaring at me. "I said, you have to choose your partner for the presentation, so get up already, go!"

This bitch never fails piss me off. Remember when I said I hated school? Yeah this class is one of the reasons. No one here likes me, not like I like them either. There's the girls who just can't stop gossiping for a minute. Then there's a bunch of other people that I could not give two fucks about.

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