Ichigo's hand instantly went up to his left eye, covering it from view. He growled at Toshi, "Don't you fuckin dare touch me. I'll rip you apart."

Toshi frowned, then grinned, "What ya hidin' there little brother?"

Ichigo growled again, but Shiro was curious. Shiro touched Ichigo's shoulder and turned him around. Ichigo glared at Shiro, then removed his hand, and walked away.

But Shiro had seen what Ichigo was trying to hide.

Ichigo's left eye had been black with a gold iris like Shiro's eyes, then that color faded back to his normal chocolate color. Shiro, shocked, turned back to Toshi and gaped at her, "What did you do?"

Toshi's grin widened and then she was right in front of Shiro, her mouth right next to his ear. She whispered quietly so that no one else heard what she had to say, "You think that the Shiki are the most powerful vampire out there? You would be dead wrong kiddo."

Toshi took a step back and smirked at Shiro's confused expression. Shiro started to try and process what sh was trying to say, before he felt her behind him. Shiro's shoulders tensed and he moved his head slightly to listen to her, "I am Ichigo's elder sister. I have been alive longer than your snot nosed older brother. In fact, when he tried going against me, I put him back in his place."

Toshi now stood in front of Shiro, her eyes a brighter blue, "Ichigo's father, the same as my own, was a great vampire. Greater than your own father, Shirosaki."

Shiro felt a pang in his chest, but that didn't stop Toshi from continuing, "In fact, it was my father who put an end to your father. But that's old news. I received my father's power, and the vampiric blood. While little Ichigo received his mother's weak human blood, and a will to be a Hunter. But I guess it suited him very well. He almost got me at one time," Toshi stopped to grin to herself, the grin sent chills down Shiro's spine, "but I used a little trick that father taught me, and used it on Ichigo."

Shiro growled and took a step closer to Toshi, "What did you do to him?"

Toshi held up a hand, "Have you once thought that it was odd that your friends haven't tried stopping me from telling you these things?"

Shiro stopped, ya, it was pretty odd. Looking around, Shiro saw that Grimmjow, Beth, and Sammy were all still in their original places, and haven't even moved, nor changed their expressions. Shiro went around to each one of them, trying to talk to them.

Toshi sighed and crossed her arms, "I put a small spell around us. Right now, we are in a small, bubble like ball that stops time on the inside. We are invisible to them, and they think that only a second has gone by. While five minutes has gone by in here."

Toshi picked up a rock and tossed it out of the area that Shiro and herself were standing in. The rock slowed down, then stopped in mid air.

Shiro's eyes widened and Toshi smirked, "It's not that big of a deal. But back to what I was saying. I used this on him. I put him inside this thing for a while, and I got away. I can't have my little brother killing me now can I?"

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