thirty eight - disneyland

Start from the beginning

"Why not!"

We all laughed and I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Tasha, always getting her way, but then again, so did I.

We went on Space Mountain twice at Harry's request. Him and Tasha riding up front the second time around. We worked through all of Tomorrowland, Harry joking that the cars in Autotopia were not nearly fast enough for his liking.

The entire time, Charlene kept pointing out to Harry any hidden Mickey's I might have missed and eventually, he ended up becoming very good at spotting them himself. He would mark them off in his book and take pictures of them as we went.

Around lunch time, we decided to make our way over to the other park, settling into a back table at Flo's Diner. Security managed to keep people back even though of course, their phones were out snapping photos.

"Thanks for making me come, I'm actually really enjoying myself." He chuckled, eating some of the fries we were sharing and I smiled.

"I'm glad. I told you it's the happiest place on earth, and the best thing about this side of the parks, alcohol." I winked and he raised his eyebrows laughing.

"But there's children."

"Exactly why there's alcohol. The grown ups need it to get through the day." I giggled and he shook his head.

"Well then we must join in on this. I don't have kids, I love them actually, but I can pretend they're wearing me out." He shrugged and I chuckled.

"That's the spirit." I bit my lip shaking my head.

"Did you see the little girl at the other park, in the big blue dress with the pink ballon. I swear that was you as a child. Her eyes all wide, hair all curly and crazy, freckles over pink cheeks."

I shook my head, feeling my cheeks warm up, "Mmm, kinda. Only I probably would have opted for some overalls. I used to have a favorite pair, with the princesses on the front. Oh man I wore those to death. They had all kinds of stains on them that never came off. My mom had to eventually pretend they got ruined in the wash so I would stop wearing them." I looked down at my food and shook my head, "I cried that whole night and she just held me. I don't remember much other than, I fell asleep, and the next morning I moved on to my next favorite article of clothing."

"I had a baseball cap like that. Always would wear it. I remember it reeked. You know little kids. Especially boys. We smell." He laughed and I did too, "My mum would replace it, she would buy a new one and wash it until it felt worn and just switch it out. Eventually they stopped making it, and she just threw it out. Told me I was going to end up bald if I kept wearing it." He shrugged, lifting his hat off, "And now I got this mop to deal with."

"Could you imagine if you and I had children? Their hair would be uncontrollable. I would cry trying to figure it out." I bit my lip, suddenly feeling stupid at the fact I said it.

"But they would have the prettiest eyes." He smiled stupidly at me and I felt relief we both knew it was ridiculous to even be talking about this.

"Guys! Mitch wants to do the coaster. And the swinging ferris wheel!" Sarah exclaimed, wrapping herself around my shoulders breaking Harry and I from our moment.

"I hate that stupid ferris wheel! It gives me nightmares." I scrunched my nose peeking up at her.

"Well look who's being little miss pessimistic now." Harry said matter of factly, raising an eyebrow at me.

"No you don't understand, you feel like your little basket thing is literally going to fly off the ride. My stomach literally always feels like it's going to fall out of me." I said shaking my head.

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