twenty eight - never ever

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New York
A couple weeks later.

Townes' POV

We landed in New York and I couldn't help but feel an immense amount of relief knowing I was in the states again. Even more, the fact that Harry was flying Tasha out for a week, I was ecstatic. Tash, well it took some convincing.

"Townes! No, I told you I wanted to pay for this myself." She yelled over the speaker phone and I turned with wide eyes at Harry.

He laughed and shook his head, "Tasha, I already bought everything. There is no going back now."

"Well get a refund."

"Tasha, come on. Please, it's a whole week. You were only going to be able to come for two days at most. A week of Tasha and Townes havoc!"

"Ugh!! Fine, but I'm buying you guys an expensive ass dinner!" She yelled and then cleared her throat, whispering softly, "Thank you, Harry."

Harry and I laughed and he kissed my cheek softly, "You're welcome. Townes will forward you everything.

And as for Harry and I, we had decided not to sleep together for the time being. Let me tell you something, never had I experienced a harder task than that. That man, shirtless, dear Jesus.

Harry walked into the kitchen in the small apartment we had rented for the night before heading out to New York. He was shirtless, grey sweats barely hanging on his hips and I knew this was payback for me walking around in short shorts the other night.

I bit my lip and looked away quickly, taking a deep breath. I licked my lips and took a deep breath, "Um, I'm making flatbreads for dinner. I found a yummy veggie recipe if you want one?"

He came up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and I felt my toes curl under me as his chest hit the bare skin on my back where my tank top didn't cover, "That sounds really good, I'll take one." He said into my ear, making his voice extra breathy.

I took a deep breath and elbowed him softly, causing him to laugh. This had become our game, to see which one would break first. Our relationship had been so healthy since we stopped though. No drugs. No submission. It was just right, and I could tell he was trying.

I turned to face him, leaning on the counter, glaring softly, "I hate you."

"That's okay. I can live with that." He chuckled and came over, leaning down and giving me a quick peck, which would hold me over for now.

I walked through JFK to the baggage claim, placing down my carry on and waiting for the carousel to start. I looked at my phone scrolling through Instagram, when I felt someone's face near mine.

"Boo." It said and I jumped up slightly, Sarah standing behind me.

"Oh my gosh!" I hugged her quickly, "Did your flight just land too?"

"Yeah, our bags are coming from the next one over but I told Mitch I saw my girlfriend and had to say hi." She wiggled her eyebrows at me and I laughed.

"I'm so excited to be in the states, did you get Harry's text about dinner, the four of us tonight?" I smiled and she shook her head.

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