three - bigger plans

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Townes' POV

Today was like any typical Friday, busy and loud. I hated every bit of it, mostly because Tasha wasn't here, but it didn't help I was already having a shit day. I helped Benny run orders and the bar for most of the night, only having time for two songs, even with all the requests from some usuals.

I found myself constantly glancing over at the entrance, hoping he would walk in. I knew if he came it wouldn't be until closer to last call, but it gave me something to look forward to as I pushed through the shift.

I stood on the bar, ringing the bell for last call. I felt like a giant stampede headed my way, and I jumped off ready to help Benny work through this. Once the rush started slowing down, I looked up at the tv and like always on Fridays, started playing How To Lose A Guy in 10 Days. Benny would just have to deal, cause I really needed this movie today.

As less people stuck around, I finally was able to lower the volume on the music and raise the volume on the movie. I began cleaning down tables, slowly losing hope Harry would show. I didn't want to sleep with him, I didn't even think past him just showing up every night. He intrigued me, he was funny. Smug. Almost as smug as me, and the thought made me chuckle.

"So you really do torture Benny with this every Friday?" I heard behind me, and I turned around as Harry was slipping out of his jacket. He wore a dressier shirt today, black jeans on his bottoms. His hair was brushed back, face freshly shaven. I just knew he smelled good, just from the look of him.

I shrugged, leaning on the table I was cleaning, "I think he can learn a thing or two about how to treat a lady properly from this movie."

"From good ole Matthew McConaughey?" He teased and I nodded, "Alright, alright, alright." He said mimicking he's key phrase and I laughed. I bit my lip looking over at Benny. He looked beat, I could see it clearly on his face.

"Benny baby, go home, I'll lock up. I got Harry here to protect me." I said, chuckling a bit.

"You sure?" Benny asked and I nodded.

"Positive." I smiled and he sighed, nodding,

"But you let your grandma know you'll be home later. You know she waits up until you call her that you're home." He said, heading to the back to pack up.

"I will!" I called back before turning my attention to Harry as I made my way behind the bar to finish up, "So where are you off to or coming from looking all dapper?"

He chuckled and rolled his shoulders back sitting at the bar, I served him a beer and placed it in front of him, "Well, see, I'm trying to impress this girl, remind her how good looking I am."

I nodded, biting my lip, "Well did it work?"

"Not sure yet." He said before taking a sip of his beer, "No but actually just had a meeting, someone dropped out of the touring band, so just dealing with that." I noticed his fingers were adorned today with a full set of rings, one on almost every finger.

"I'm sorry, that must be tough. Guess we both suffered with disappointment today. Found out I didn't get a gig I really wanted, so back to square one."

"I'm sorry, what was the gig?" He asked as I carried over the clean glasses to put away.

"A pianist for a band. They do mainly weddings, but it would be experience, extra income, and they promised me a song or two." I grabbed a towel and wiped the area around him, before tossing it in a bin. I grabbed a glass and served myself a bit of beer, filling it halfway.

I walked around with my glass, sitting on the stool next to him, "Wait, you play the piano?"

I nodded, wiping my mouth after a sip, "Yeah actually, since I was five. I played professionally for a while when I was young, until I decided I liked singing more. Now it just helps with the singing aspect."

He shook his head a bit, chuckling, almost in disbelief, "What?" I said, raising an eyebrow.

"The person that dropped out of my tour. It was the pianist." He peeked up at me, a small smile playing on his lips and I placed my beer down.

"So you need a touring pianist?"

"Who can also sing background vocals." He said, and I felt my eyebrows raise, "I mean, I call that fate, don't you Townes?"

"Wait, what? What do you mean fate?"

"You don't get the gig the same day my pianist drops out of the tour? Sounds like the the universe had something bigger planned." He said, raising an eyebrow.

"You mean me? Touring, with you? With you Harry Styles? Like, world tour Harry Styles?" I said and he laughed, nodding.

"I mean I already know you can sing, I would just have to hear you play, make sure you're not mugging me off with how good you are." He smirked and I rolled my eyes. I glanced back up at him biting my lip.

"Really? Like, you aren't just pulling at my heart strings here?"

"I know I'm a smug ass, but I'm not mean."

I stared at him for a bit, all of this feeling too good to be true. How was it that he just walked into my bar, out of all the bars in town, and now he was offering me a job. Just yesterday I was doing dirty dances for him on the bar.

"When does it start?" I said softly.

"Two weeks, gives Benny plenty of time to find another you." He said and I chuckled.

"Another me? Damn near impossible. I'm special." I joked and took a long drink of my beer. I licked my lips, really thinking about it, "And places to stay and all that?"

"Covered, as are some meals. Obviously your days off are all on you, but the pays, really good." He said, searching my face for my answer.

I took a deep breath, and ran my fingers through my hair, "Well, give me a time, place and piano and I can show you what I got."

"Really?" He said, his dimples paired perfectly with a Cheshire smile.

"Really. Now don't ask again or I might change my mind." I smirked playfully, and he lifted his glass up towards me. I met him with mine.

"To new beginnings." He said and we both drank, his eyes never moving from mine.

I walked into our tiny apartment, surprised to find Tasha knocked out on the couch. I covered her with a blanket and made my way over to my room kicking off my shoes. I was too tired to shower, and I simply didn't care to at this point. I pulled out my phone calling my grandma, knowing even though I let her know, she would still be up waiting.

"Hi Carol dear. Are you home?"

"Yes, grams, I am, you can go to bed now." I said, wiggling into some sweats.

"Not until I hear about your day." She yawned and I laughed a bit.

"Well, didn't get the wedding job, we were so busy tonight, you know the Friday crowd. Umm, I got offered another job though. Touring with an artist." I placed my phone down and slipped on a big white Hanes tee.

"What? For who? Do I know him?"

"Harry Styles?"

"The cute little British boy?" She said and I couldn't help but laugh. Harry wasn't little in anyway, except maybe his waist. Cute, well that was an understatement.

"Yes grams, that one." I smiled getting into bed and she chuckled.

"Well you best be taking it! That's an amazing opportunity. Your grandfather is going to jump for joy when I tell him in the morning." She said enthusiastically and I couldn't help but smile. My grandparents were my biggest supporters in everything. If it wasn't for my grandmother telling me, "Townes, get your skinny ass out here." I probably would still be stuck in North Carolina with my stuck up conservative parents. That was the last thing I needed.

"Well, tell him to call me when you do. I'm going to need a good ole Townes motivational speech." I chuckled and she did too.

"Okay sweet Carol, I'm going to bed. Sleep well baby, I love you."

"Love you too. Night."

I laid back and closed my eyes, still feeling like this was a dream. Three days was all it took for my dreams to suddenly start becoming reality. I couldn't wait to tell Tasha in the morning, she was going to freak.

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