⭐️Hundred and Seventy-Three⭐️

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YourHandsomeJin: Tae, you there?

Gucci_Tae: Hey, I'm here!

YourHandsomeJin: How's it been?

Gucci_Tae: Good, I've been busy modeling and preparing my first solo debut song!

YourHandsomeJin: I still can't believe you're going to become a singer! I'm so proud.

Gucci_Tae: Thank you Jin <3 

We've both came a long way from who we used to be.

YourHandsomeJin: You more than me, I'm still CEO of my company, same as always.

Gucci_Tae: Yeah but you did it on your own, and now your company is one of the best in the technology area. How's it been for you?

YourHandsomeJin: Stressful, but Namjoon really helps, he's so smart and helps me out a lot.

Gucci_Tae: I'm happy for you hyung, really. I couldn't think of a better man for you.

YourHandsomeJin: I'm very lucky indeed^^

How about you? Jungkook's coming back soon no?

Gucci_Tae: Tomorrow I think.

YourHandsomeJin: How long has it been?

Gucci_Tae: Like two weeks, I miss him so much but it's a lot easier now that we can show our relationship you know.

YourHandsomeJin: Yeah, I do. Well I hope you two get to spend some time together.

Gucci_Tae: Thanks Jin ♥️ Well I gtg, Jimin's here.

YourHandsomeJin: Good night TaeTae.

Gucci_Tae: Night Jin.


Mochi­_Chim: Hey Kook?

JJK_Model: Jimin, what's up?

Mochi­_Chim: Nothing, I wanted to ask you when are you getting back?

JJK_Model: The train arrives at Seoul in like two hours and then I'm going straight to my place, why?

Mochi­_Chim: So you're not seeing Tae tonight then?

JJK_Model: No :c

My agent wants me to rest, but I'm seeing him first thing tomorrow.

Mochi­_Chim: Oh good.

JJK_Model: Why good?

Mochi­_Chim: Cause we didn't want you to crash our slumber partay 😏

JJK_Model: ??



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