how did this happen?

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"Donnie is in his lab experimenting with a thing that has the ability to destroy the fabric of the universe as Donnie puts it" Leo said after he left Donnie's lab "what are you talking about" raph replied confused on why Leo would just say that out of the blue "he is trying to make a portal to a nother dimension" Leo said to clarify. right after Leo said that they heard a loud ear bleeding explosion "that came from Donnie's lab we should go check on Donnie" Mikey said worry written all over his face then they heard 4 unrecognized voice start to speak "Leon what did you do now" a annoyed nerdy voice said Leo instinctual grabbed his katanas and started to walk toward Donnie's lab when they heard another voice a little bet more relaxed and a lot less irritated "it wasn't me this time I swear but I'm sure it's safe". the voice sounded like they were getting closer Leo now had his weapons fully pulled out and was ready for anything but what he saw.

Rise Leo POV
As they walked through the strange portal Leo released that they just ended up in Donnie's lab but there wasn't any strangely advanced tech or bustus of Donnie this wasn't their Donnie's lab then Leo heard a small whimper coming from the corner of the room a scarred looking turtle mutant was sitting in the corner holding a bow staff in a fighting position "who are you?" leo asked confused on how they got there and why the mutant in the corner looked like Donnie. The strange mutant seemed to calm down a bit at the fact that Leo hadn't even tried to touch his weapons yet and replied "hello I do not want to hurt you my name is Donatello but you can call me... Donnie" he hesitated at the last part so Leo said "we won't hurt you either Donnie but can you tell us where we are and how that portal came to our dimension and if there is more" the other strange Donnie said "while you must be from a parilel universe so there is a way to get you back since the portal closed behind you, I don't know if there are more portals and who are you guys" Donnie said as he clicks something on his t-phone that sent a message to Casey and April. Suddenly the door burst open and another Leo and all the other Leo's brothers barged in. Other Leo had his katana out and was ready to pounce but Donnie stopped him "Leo stop listen I think we could learn a thing or  two from them so don't attack them" but raph didn't listen he jumped into the air syse ready for action and Leo just portaled raph away like it was nothing of course he didn't portal raph to far away just to the living room. leo swiftly put his udachi back in it hilt "yeah you really could" rise Donnie grumbles sarcastically in response to the other Donnie's statement. Leo quickly noticed that the other Leo seemed stressed so he asked "hay other Leo are you the leader" just to get a quick "yes" in response.

2012 Leo pov
As I started at the strange looking turtle mutant that Donnie claimed to be me and froze 'why did I answer his question it's none of his business' "so are you good at leading because I'm not and could use some advice" rise Leo suddenly stated "oh yeah Leo is the best leader ever" Mikey said cheerfully and rise Mikey got all defensive of his Leo "I bet our Leo is better then yours" rise Mikey states just for Leo to smack him upon the head "we don't know that Mikey and besides you should be nice" rise Leo said making me feel like I could trust him "ok you know..." I started to say but was interrupted "what's going on here who are these mutants" splinter said from behind me he must've just finished meditating.

A portal opened not too far away from the lair and out fell our favorite samurai rabbit yuichi usagi.

(This is the end of this chapter hope you liked it)

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