I also disabled everything that could track what i was doing on the computer. I then used the skills from the Red Room to try and find my file. Don't ask me how i was successful because I don't know. My brain just knew what to do.

When i saw my file i also saw a tab attached to my moms name, but i decided to check that in a bit. Whilst i was checking out my file i was getting goosebumps. There was information in it that traced back to 2 years ago. It had details of mine and Peters big argument along with pictures of me, my house and school. Surely them coming to-get me wasnt planned was it? Madame B wouldn't lie like that would she? No, no way. There's no way anther person would betray me. But as i continue to scroll i realise it was true. I was fucking played.

Why the fuck does this keep happening to me! Why did i end up with a neglectful mom, a supposed best friend that didnt trust me, some crazy ass powers i still don't have a hold of and some organisation knowing all my secrets!? I try not to think about Jason. What if he was in on it. What if I've admitted my feelings to someone who's reporting back to Madame B!?

IM FUCKING PISSED. I actually though somebody wanted me because i was useful, but i was used again. I feel like i have no one to trust anymore. I was starting to see the red room as my home.

Just as i was about to close the laptop I remembered my mom's file. Through glassy eyes i brought up her file. There she was as a child with the same background my picture was taken in. A member of the Red Room. I didn't want to read more, but i was drawn to as i saw a recent picture of my supposed dead mom, seen with Nat. Did she leave me and fake her death? Did she think i was a burden to her? Was i not good enough for her? I can't remember doing anything that would have pushed her over the edge.

I couldn't take anymore. I smashed the computer and ran to me room, not caring who saw me in this fragile state. Everyone was lying too me. I felt like i was in the Truman Show. It didn't feel like my life anymore, and I couldn't handle the pain. It seemed i always gave too much and I'm fucking sick of it. I'm fed up of everything. I cant seem to trust anyone so ill just give up. I don't seem to have anyone to really fight for. They're all actors in this silly little game i call life. If they didn't want to give me any mercy, they won't get any back.

But first a rest, so I'm headed back to my room for a nap.

Everyone was shocked by Emma's outburst. Of course they thought that's her mothers death would be a sore topic for her but they didnt realise how sore it really was. Everyone was blaming Nat for what happened due to her lack of sympathy.
"Look, I'm sorry if i was too upfront with her, but we need to fund out what happened. I mean we've all agreed to try and help her adjust by also finding out what happened to her. I just want to make sure she's ok and that she's not suffering. I'm sorry that i actually care!" Nat stated very calmly whilst walking off.

The rest of the Avengers just looked at each other knowing that it was hard for Nat. She really cared for Emma, even though they didnt spend much time together and it was one of the few times Nat showed emotion to a serious situation. They all thought that the pair would be good for each other.

The rest of the Avengers stayed silent for a while until Peter brought up different ways to help the both of them. And that they should also be on the lookout for anymore Hydra or Red Room spies. Peter was so scared for Emma, and the others could clearly see that. He just wanted Emma to be safe. They all did. They also still planned to have a movie night but maybe skip the team building exercises because everyone was tired and just needed a break. They just wanted Emma to be happy and to be part of their big old family.

I walked away super annoyed at the rest of the team. This is why I don't care for many things, because people can use it against you. I dint know why i have such a maternal like pull to Emma, but i do and i cant help it. I think it might be the guilt of what happened between me and her mom, and also Emma herself. UGHH, I don't know how to explain it and it confuses me.

Due to my foggy eyes, I don't see the oncoming figure clearly until we bump into each other. Only then do I realise that its Emma. I was about to apologise until i saw her cheeks enflamed with tears flowing freely form them. Without a second thought I pull her into a tight hug. I don't think she's mentally knows where she is as she hugs me back as if she's scared ill leave, which I don't ever plan on doing. I don't know how long we stay there, but she fell asleep.

I take her face in my hands, and use my fingers to rub away her tear streaks whilst carrying her over my shoulder to her room. O didn't really know how else to carry her.

I then left her in her room, because I'm sure she wont appreciate what happened when she wakes up.


Also i now that this chapter was boring but I'm just trying to create some relationships. I really hope its not too boring.
PLEASE TELL ME IF YOU THINK ITS BORING! I planning some action for the next chapters though!

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