Chapter 25

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Peter's POV

The bullet was meant for me. I was supposed to die, yet here i am alive and breathing. The situation hit me hard. Not only did i take somebody's life. It was somebody who was close to Emma. The look she gave me whilst pointing the gun at me was the worst. It showed that me waking out of her affected her a lot more than she let on. Sure i felt awful about the whole situation but i didn't expect it to end like this. It's not like i ever gave her choice thought. I never discussed why i left i just did. This whole day has been the icing on the cake. I can't deal with this anymore.

As soon as the whole scene was over i ran up to the roof. Nobody noticed. They all had more important things to do, whereas i needed some fresh air. It was all too much. I had made Emma's life hell and taken away her only living family member away from her. All while I though i was doing the best thing. You know that feeling after you've messed up bad, and you just rethink your life and how it would have turned out if you just did that one thing differently. I was. Everything wrong now would be ok if i told her i was Spider Man. She was kidnapped. If she knew who i was i could have protected her, not walk on eggshells around her to protect my secret. I'm so selfish.

I sat in the ledge, just feeling the wind of the afternoon almost evening comb through my hair. I feel at peace up here. The wind was mixed with my own salty tears as I combed all of hair back in my hands. I really messed up. But i cant just run from my problems, i need to face them. I learnt that from my Spidermanning. If i didn't I don't know what i would be doing right now. Probably getting out of this situation.

It also might be that my love Emma is too strong. I refuse to leave this Earth without declaring my love toEmma like I should have done all these years ago. I stay up on the roof for while. I calm myself down as much as i can so I'm not suffering an anxiety attack whilst i try and talk to Emma. I've already suffered 2 up here. They seem to be worse for me because of my heightened senses, yet its also easier to calm down as i can hear and fell things more clearly. Yet I'd rather have none. It makes me feel like I'm drowning, and i don't like it.

I walk through the tower trying not to think of all thats happened as i see staff running all over the place in order to clean up after the commotion.

I head to med bay, ready to face the music. As i walk in, everyone is already in there. They are so in thought and possibly distraught that they don't bother turning as i come in. The reality of the situation hits me even harder.

Emma is cuffed to the bed, pale and covered in bruises. The fluorescent lights make her look worse than she was earlier.

I drag a chair over to a free space next to her bed and wait for her to wake up.


It was around 20 minutes of silent waiting before she awoke.

She looked around proud of herself for some reason, but then she deflates. The look of anger in her eyes after is directed at me. I just want my Emma back. Not this version of her that's probably gone to hell and back. I want soft, kind and cuddly Emma back. The one before everything went wrong. If we can't make up i don't know what much else there is worth fighting for. Everything i have done and will continue to do is for Emma.


I had enough of everyone staring at me. Although i felt inclined to stare at both redheads in the room, i didn't. Instead i glanced whilst turning my head. Super sneaky. I tried to get up because the Avengers seemed to calm to be next to me. I'm a bloody assassin, but i was pulled right back down. I looked toward my hands and felt on my ankles cuffs, keeping me to the bed. I can escape normal cuffs, no problem yet these are stark cuffs. The red room was barely getting their hands on these so we hadn't been able to train with them yet. It wont stop me from trying, although it would be easier trying without doing it under the watchful gazes of these so called heroes.

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