Love story (Mingyu)

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"Thank you so much", I said before ending the call. I was not satisfied with this solution, but I didn't have a better option at the moment. "Okay, he'll pick you in an hour. Get back home safely", I wished my sister and hugged her tightly before grabbing my bag. "Love you", I added before rushing out.

Work was a mess lately. One colleague had holiday, another one called in sick today and our team only consisted of five people. So, the first day after my weekend started out stressful again, especially since our newest project was quite a big one, requiring all my concentration for the last two weeks. If I would have known how time-intensive it really was, I wouldn't have agreed to my sister coming over for the weekend.

But maybe it was exactly what I needed, too. I had a good time with her and it helped me relax as well. However, getting the call from work today morning that I had to come as soon as possible had not been part of the plan. I was supposed to start work late today to bring my sister back to the airport. Relieved that Mingyu would do that for me, I took a deep breath and entered the bus that would take me to the company. "Only three more weeks", I whispered to myself and sat down.

As I got off work, I was surprised to see Mingyu waiting for me in front of the company. "Hi love", he greeted me and pulled me into a hug, "How are you doing?" I simply sighed into his chest and felt it vibrate as he chuckled lightly. "I know", he whispered and kissed the crown of my head, "But for today work is over. Let's head home, shall we?" He let go off me and I nodded. "Good", he smiled and took my hand. "Oh, and one more thing", he continued, "I am proud of you. Like... Really proud."

The days went on and whenever he could make it, Mingyu picked me up after work and stopped by a little café or our favourite place at the nearby park to just chat the time away. Or come along with me to watch some movies together. I knew he was worried for me as he could tell I was under a lot of stress lately, but I often assured him that I was alright and I would get by. And I would, thanks to him.

The day we finished our project was a Thursday. It felt like a heavy burden suddenly fell off of me. I left work for my lunch break that day as Mingyu had promised to take me out to celebrate. The sun was shining brightly and I enjoyed the warm wind playing with my hair. As I saw my boyfriend, I literally jumped into his arms and allowed myself to just breathe in his scent for a bit. As I finally let go, he had the loveliest smile on his face and took my hand, leading me towards his car without another word.

"Where are we going to?", I asked as I realized that we were on our way outside of town. "I talked with your boss a few days ago. You did so great in the project, I thought you definitely would deserve a little holiday. Plus, you got a lot of extra hours lately. So, you will have weekend starting from today. It's like a reward for pushing through and all settled, just trust me." I looked at him with wide eyes and he just chuckled, turned the music louder and sang along. I couldn't help but smile softly. Now he again was embarrassed of doing something this amazing for me. I laughed, leaned over and pecked his cheek before joining in into his singing to create a beautiful duet.

A bit later, he had covered my eyes and led me away from the parking lot we had halted at. "Okay. Now you can look", he whispered into my ear. As I opened my eyes, I gasped surprised. "Wow", I said, honestly in awe. We were at a rather quiet spot at the sea. Some people paced around, but it was nowhere near the amount of people in the city. "I rented a boat for us", he said proudly and dragged me onwards while I was still enchanted by the view. The water was so clear, one could see the ground. The temperature was just right and the sun seemed to be even brighter. Birds chirped and the nature's scent seemed to embrace me softly. I didn't even realize how Mingyu organized the very last parts of the boat renting until I stood on one, headed away from the shore. With a bright laugh, I spread out my arms and let the wind breeze through my hair.

After anchoring, my boyfriend began to set up a blanket and a basket. "They provide great service", he told me eagerly while I watched him smiling, "They even offer to hand out picnic baskets, so go ahead, sit down and let's eat." He patted the ground next to him and without hesitating, I did so and leaned against him, snatching some of the fresh fruit. He chuckled and stole it from me before I could eat it. "Hey!", I protested jokingly. He laughed even more and simply answered: "That's for my efforts." I tried to pout but couldn't stop smiling. "But all my efforts are for you, so here you go", he then shrugged and held the fruit in front of me. I grinned and took it back, only to quickly eat it before he could tease me again. He laughed. "Bon appetite", he wished me and we started eating for real.

"Hey, I got an idea", he suddenly said after we both were full and just enjoyed each other's presence. I titled my head curiously. He got up and offered me a hand, then led me towards the front of the boat. "Stay right there", he told me and went a bit back, getting out his phone. "And now let's make everyone jealous because I have the most wonderful girlfriend one could ever have", he announced and took a photo while I still was flustered by his comment. "Hey", I protested laughing, "If you want to take photos of me, do it right!" I leaned against the railing and posed for him. "Gorgeous!", he shouted exaggerated and took another one while I laughed. He took some more photos and later on, I decided it was time for a model change and took some of him, ending the session with a photo of him and me together. I leaned against his chest and we both smiled into the camera so brightly that I was convinced no one could ever doubt just how happy we were together. It was a perfect moment.

While Mingyu uploaded the best photos to his Instagram, I climbed up the railing behind me and watched my boyfriend. Just how lucky was I to have him? He caught my gaze and smiled at me. "I love you", I said casually. His smile grew bigger. "I love you too", he gave back and sat down next to me. I grinned. "And I love you soooooo much more", he said smirking. "Tzzz, you can't", I stated. "Well, who organized all this for you?", he shrugged. "Hey, last time I organized a whole vacation for us", I retreated, jokingly offended. "A surprise weekend trip with a boat is hard to top though. And you organized the vacation with me knowing, remember?", he said thoughtfully. "Oh you!", I giggled and pushed him away.

To my surprise, he was caught off guard and fell right into the water. Puzzled, I turned to see him dive up. "Okay, I admit it. We love each other evenly. Can't be compared by actions anyways", he laughed. I chuckled. "Sorry, love", I answered. "You better get in here as well before I come and get you. I wanted to swim with you anyways", he lured me. I didn't even need to think about it. I did not care about my dress getting wet; it was warm enough to let it dry on the boat afterwards. I carefully climbed over the railing and jumped right in, feeling refreshed the same second I dove in. As I got up again, Mingyu grinned at me brightly. "I actually packed your bikini before coming here but that works as well, I guess", he said casually. "Oh well", I laughed, "Then I'll change after swimming." "Can't complain about that", he smirked. "Shut up, you idiot", I grinned and kissed him.

I had cuddled up to Mingyu a while later. We had watched the sun set before and now enjoyed stargazing. "Shouldn't we return the boat?", I asked lazily. I felt energized and tired at the same time. "We don't have to", he whispered back, "I told them, I might rent it for the whole night. Only if you want to, that is. But even if, it's too late to return it anyways. So, since I have to pay it, we might as well enjoy it." "Sounds good", I answered and yawned, closing my eyes. Mingyu pulled me tighter. "And tomorrow we'll return the boat and drive on to a nearby town. We'll have our breakfast there and see where the day takes us. There are lots of beautiful places to see, interesting spots to visit, museums, cafés, shops... We'll do whatever you want to. Maybe we could go to that famous..." I couldn't hear him anymore. I was fully asleep, already dreaming of tomorrow.

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