XLIII • Pretty Blondes

Start from the beginning

He knew that coin was of large significance, and luckily for him the last time he had seen it was in the possession of a certain lady friend. Theodore Nott liked blondes, especially the ones with his answers.

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Her eyes were an amber, hazel-like colour, and poured into them was the delightful expression of anything positive. As though the sun rays chose to shine through her hues, giving all who looked into them as taste of light, of purity. Her eyes naturally turned upwards, doe and forever cheery, it was one of her most noticeable traits.

Fortunately for her, her eyes were a display of natural happiness, she never had to fake it... Well, she didn't normally fake it. On instinct her eyes dimmed in its light at the sight of Theodore Nott.

There was always a charismatic aspect to him, he was naturally a smooth talker, charming, smart, witty, confident. The perfect ingredients in which to form a 'lady's man', a dangerous recipe it was. No, her expression didn't blacken the moment he walked into the library, it blackened when he didn't approach her. He was supposed to be there for their session, but he chose to ignore her presence entirely and beeline straight towards a group of Ravenclaw girls.

Aurora sat with her arms folded and waited. Waited for him to stop his constant yapping and laughing, which grew more annoying by the minute, he grew more annoying. She'd recognised how Theodore spoke to the group collectively, as a whole. Each girl enthusiastic to hold conversation, but I'd didn't go unnoticed how his attention zeroed specifically on Marrieta Edgecombe.

He whispered in her ear and left featherlight touches on her arm. Man, was he obvious, Aurora found it near embarrassing how blunt he was being. She almost felt sad for him and she certainly felt pity for Marrieta, the girl was a walking flower. A flower as delicate as her would whither under the touch of someone like him. She scoffed again.

After an entire six and a half minutes did he finally turn on his heel and approach the table Aurora sat by. He was five minutes late, he often arrived late, she didn't appreciate that the one time he managed to overcome his tardiness was for a seperate occasion.

"What're you doing?" Her tone was bored, agitated.

"Studying?" Theo's words flew from his lips as a question, as though he was cautiously dodging the chance he may be in trouble. Her tone was accusatory, yet from his point of view he had just sat down. He held his textbook in his grasp, expression filled with question, what could he have done now?

"You're late." She sighed, eyes narrowing. Uh oh.

"I'm always late." The turn of his lips indicated that he was being silly, she didn't seem to be interested by it. "Erm, I genuinely tried to be punctual, I promise." The snake raised his arms in mock treaty. "But, I had an upcoming errand I needed to sort." That was the truth. Liar, she scoffed. Rory had just seen him happily chatting up a group of Ravenclaw girls, errand her ass.

"Yeah... and did that 'errand' happen to be in Marietta Edgecombes' ear?" Her sarcasm was a sight, he wanted to witness it again, much like her glare. "So deep, in fact, that you had to lean in to get a close look?"

It was silent, and then it wasn't. Barking out a laugh, he had to quiet down at remembrance that they were still in a library, he resorted to chuckling into his knuckles and attempting to maintain his breathing. Auroras expression remained blank but she soon felt warmth climb up the back of her neck and ears.

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