XLIII • Pretty Blondes

Start from the beginning

The darker wizard cackled from his bed, next to his friends. "Tell me about it." He grinned. "So how was blonde, huh? She treat my boy right?"
Theo merely rolled his eyes. "Did you remember to treat her right?" Blaise scolded, a minor hint of teasing budding through his words.

Throwing the pillow from beneath him Theodore's exhaustion increased. "It was fine, she was... fun. Up for a lot of things." He chuckled.

Blaise scoffed. "You're awful."

"And you're not getting any." He smirked. "Not since her."

"Don't go there." His smile flattened. Before the handsome Slytherin collected a cigarette of his own.

"Man is on his knees." Theo mumbled to himself as he exhaled the murky grey air that was smoke. Blaise merely scoffed a boyish smile in retaliation. The two sat, each with a cancer stick tucked between their teeth as they allowed for a blanket of comfortable silence to hug at them.

Soon the solace of the quietness tightened its embrace and squeezed at their throats urging for a topic of conversation. Theo was first to choke. "I have a plan."

The other wizard frowned in pure bewilderment. "Oh cool..." there was a long pause. "For what?"

"To catch those rebels doing DA behind the schools back." Theodore leaned back into the frame of his bed. His face played off in a bored and uncaring manner, he was hiding the bubbling fury from within him. Blaise didn't miss it.

"You actually care about that?" He said in a ridiculed tone, unsure as to why Theodore cared in the slightest. The both of them had joined but for image purposes only, neither had actually cared for Umbridges intentions, or at least, Blaise was under the impression that neither cared.

"Yep." The end of his word popped. Blaise sat before him with many many questions, he just couldn't decide which one to share aloud. Theodore took his lack of response as a question in itself. "I just hate them. The Gryffindors." After a moment, he mumbled. "Most Gryffindors... bunch of entitled hypocrites."

"Yeah well we already knew that." The wizards eyes propelled from his scalp unsure how to react to Theodore's knee found anger reliever. Blaise Zabini knew his friend all too well, Theodore had a reoccurring habit that was easy to spot, whenever under the influence of an episode formed of pure frustration and annoyance he often took it to focusing on once sole task and taking it to extreme lengths. Blaise sometimes saw this as a healthy outlet, depending on what task he chose.

It was unfortunately quite normal for Theodore to focus on menial tasks that were perhaps not too healthy, like smoking as much as he could, or picking on one poor individual, whoever got in his way. Blaise didn't know that his most recent outlet was subject 'Aurora Flores' but he had gotten over that in a way he hadn't expected at all, and it fuelled him with even more rage rather than condemning it.

Theodore deemed it time to pour his dedication and energy towards a new obsession. Destruction of those he loathed, Blaise noticed that was a rather common outlet of his.

Theodore had connected the dots. Unraveled Hermione grangers ultimate puzzle. Or at least he had solved himself the first clue. A clue that came in the form of a small coin. A special coin, one that he had noticed had pulled the attention of many young eyes. He saw it often; and we wanted one.

If he was being truthful there was something more fuelling his intentions. Something foreign and odd, a sensation he had felt, but repelled before. The tears of a friend he blamed, that was why he was angry, he'd have done the same for Blaise or Pansy. His annoyance hit him hard at a speed unexpected, he held the subject of injustice responsible.

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