°Kiri X Spider|From Perspective Of Others|°

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Neytiri knew that all too familiar look on her daughter's face, the face of falling in love.

Neytiri understood that she should have been happy and excited about her daughter's newfound venture but she couldn't, instead, the mother was filled with nothing but worry

"Spider!"- Kiri yanked on the boy's hair, Spider hissed at her and she giggled.

The boy suddenly pulled on the girl's tail which she jumped, now it was Spiders time to laugh

Kiri groaned pretending as if she was bothered, but Neytiri knew better.

Kiri enjoyed Spider's attention

And it wasn't as if her daughter's feelings were one-sided either, if anything Spider seemed to be as smitten as Kiri

Their feelings were mutual

Neytiri is not sure when she first noticed the blossoming feelings between these two.

Maybe it was when Kiri first introduced Spider to her. There weren't any signs of romantic tension after all they were just kids. Instead, it was all curiosity

A boy who was sheltered in his early life and a girl who had never seen a young human before

An interesting duo wasn't they?

"he's so pretty"- 5-year-old Kiri once muttered but Neytiri still managed to hear it. She didn't think much of it, the mother had no reason to

It was at the age of 13 that Neytiri couldn't help but notice the way she was acting around the boy.

Kiri was all around him. She would do anything to get the boy's attention which Spider easily fell for

Spider also very much enjoyed her company, it was as if they were stuck hip to hip

Nothing could separate them

And no one had any guts to do so

"I'm worried Ma Jake"- Neytiri once told her mate, Jake looked at her in confusion

"What makes you worry?"- He couldn't help but ask

"It's about Kiri and Spider"

"Oh..."- That's all her mate said, Neytiri sighed

"I'm worried about their feelings turning much more deeper and serious"- The woman buried her head on Jake's shoulder- "If it does they won't be able to bond under the Eywa, they won't be counted as true mates because it isn't sacred"

Jake smiled and cupped her face - "They're still kids... I wouldn't worry much if I were you"

"I know but I can't help it..."- Jake kissed his mate's forehead on which she couldn't help but smile

It was when spider got forcefully taken by RDA that Kiri became the lowest of low, Kiri would come to her mother hugging her and crying on Neytiri's chest

"I miss him Mama"- She wept, Neytiri put her hand on her daughter's shoulder to comfort the child - "What if they killed him?!"

"I'm sure that they had not"- Neytiri tried reassuring her daughter -"Spider's with his own kind now, they wouldn't have hurt him"- Even Neytiri herself wasn't sure of her sayings.

She knew that there was a high chance that Spider had died

Kiri stopped crying and looked at her mother in betrayal

"Why are you so heartless about this situation mama?! You very much know that they would not treat him with care"- Kiri stood up and glared at Neytiri - "Not you or even father had tried to save him, wanna know what I had heard father say before coming to Metkayina?"

"what if he betrays us and tells them about our whereabouts"

Neytiri stayed silent, it's not like she could deny anything when her daughter had said nothing but truths

Neytiri and Jake hadn't even bothered to do the minimum in searching for Spider

"It's ok for you two to forget about spider because you never cared for him"- She hissed- "but wanna know something? I did and I still do"

"We could not have saved him without one of us dying Kiri"- Neytiri tried to reason, kiri knew that her mother was right

"I am aware of that but showing no empathy towards the kidnapped kid?"- She let out in a sad voice - "At least pretend to care about him a little, put on some acts..."

"It's ok... It kiris feelings will go away"- Neytiri hoped - "this is only temporarily"

Neytiri was not sure if she actually believed that though

After that conversation, Kiri would not talk to Neytiri or Jake for weeks. Both of her parents were hurt by Kiri's actions but they understood it.

It was an accident one time when Neytiri saw how her daughter was gazing at Lo'ak and Tsireya who were doing a very sad job at flirting with each other. her eyes were filled with longing and slight envy, Kiri gave a sad sigh and painfully looked down at the sand

Neytiri knew one thing for sure

She had to get Spider back


Neytiris's head was clouded with rage, she wanted to kill every sky person that walked in front of her

How dare they take her son away?

How could they?

They would pay

Neytiri had her knife on Spider's throat- "A son for a son"- She hissed in anger. Neytiri saw Quaritch's furious glare at how ready he was to take her daughter away from them too

Neytiri would not let that happen and was ready to stab spider when the mother saw a desperate look on her daughter's face

"Please don't"- kiri beg in Na'vi, Quaritch still had a tight grip on the girl - "Do not touch him, mother... Please"

The boy's situation was not any better, he was begging his father to not do anything bad to her daughter

Both Kiri and Spider we're begging for each other's lives. it was that act that made Neytiri snap out of her rage

what am I doing?

Quaritch knife got closer to kiris throat,
"Trust me on this one Spider"- She whispered to the boy, Spider gave her a confused and terrified stare. It was understandable. Neytiri took her blade and almost pierced the boy's chest

"Stop!"- Quaritch shouted and let Kiri go, Spider and Neytiri let out a big sigh of relief

Kiri ran up to spider and hugged him, they both cried to each other

"I missed you so badly"- Kiri sobbed, Spider gave her a sad smile. As much as Neytiri didn't want to break the moment they had to go.


Nothing had been more painful than the death of your child, the funeral. She wanted her son back, her oldest child who had been forcefully taken away by Sky people

Every time she looked at Spider the mother saw nothing but his father, a person who had taken so many things away from her

Neytiri knew that she would never be able to see a child the way Norm, Lo'ak or even Jake saw him

But she would try, for the sake of her daughter and her well being

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