"So, what do you guys have?"

"I'm starting with divination, I only have DADA and transfiguration with that. I never did like charms so," Lavender shrugged, still smiling.

"Your smile is creeping me out Lavender. It has been too long now," Seamus bitterly said, earning a glare from Parvati and a wider smile from Lav. "I have DADA, charms and herbology. Glad I won't have to share transfiguration with you, pink lady."

"The feeling is shared, no eyebrow guy."

"Hey that was in first year! And it only happened once!" Seamus defended while we all burst out laughing, remembering the too amazing moment of Seamus losing a big patch of hair on the back of his head to have is eyebrows back.

"You looked like a monk, Seamus," Neville got out between laughs.

"Mister Longbottom," Minerva said and we all struggled to control our laughter, though Neville quickly shut up with nerves. "Herbology was very well. Professor Sprout will be glad to see you again. You qualify for Defense against the darks arts as well. The only trouble is Transfiguration. You cannot follow my class with only «acceptable»."

Neville lowered is head while Minnie looked at him intently, with that look she made when she knew something and didn't want you to fool yourself. Never could resist that look.

"I must say, I'm surprised you would choose transfiguration. I was never under the impression that you liked the class much."

"It's what my grandma wants," Neville mumbled and I furrowed my eyebrows. She hummed in disagreement.

"It's quite time for your grandmother to be proud of the son she has rather than the one she wished she would have, especially after all that happened at the ministry." Neville flushed at the compliment. "I'm sorry, Longbottom, but I cannot admit you in my N.E.W.T.s class. I see you had an «Exceed expectations» in charms, why not take that class for you N.E.W.T.s levels?"

"My grandmother thinks charms are too easy."

"Take charms," Minnie decisively said. "And I will write to Augusta to remind her that her own failure at charms doesn't take all value from the subject." She smiled at Neville and gave him his schedule as she turned to Parvati.

I wrapped my arm around Neville's shoulder and squeezed him closer to me with a wide smile. I always knew he was great and was all too aware that having Minerva McGonagall compliment him would touch him deeply.

"Miss Potter," Minerva said with the hint of a smile as she looked through my results. "Charms and Defense against the Darks arts, all very good. I'm quite proud of your result in Transfiguration though I never doubted you would get it. Study of Ancient Runes as well. With professor Slughorn as potion's master, you also qualify for potions."

"I would love to follow the class, professor."

"Very well." She tapped the paper and gave me my schedule. "Try not to be late for the first Transfiguration class."

"Will try my best, professor," I grinned.

I quickly turned to Neville and compared our schedules, delighted to see we had the same Charms class.

"I can't believe you don't have herbology," he complained.

"Come on, Nev. My hands are like, the opposite of green hands. You're the plant master here, I'm the plant killer."

"That's an exageration."

"Neville. I managed to kill a cactus. A normal, muggle-ish, cactus."

"You are a menace to society, Anna."

Can it be?  | Pansy ParkinsonWhere stories live. Discover now