(READ THIS)What to know to do and not to do during this story.

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Hello there this is my first official story that I have created from a real story. First off: 

Hello there my name is Sonia and I'm the author of this book there are three things you need to know about me. 

First thing is I have dyslexia and if you dont know that that means it basically means that I cannot read write of sometimes I miss a something that I should've seen. BUT there are other types of dyslexic symptoms (please dont try and diagnose yourself.)  that people can get these are just what I have. ANYWAYS this just means that if I spell something incorrectly or if I miss a word or too please just let me know as I would love to edit it in order for the story to make sense for future readers and such.  

Second,  I would love to hear from you guys whether that'd be suggestions of stories or new suggestions of series or animes to watch (and yes I'm an anime geek. S.U.E M.E ... actually pls dont I wouldn't be able to handle that. LOL.)  i would love to hear them I enjoy basically ay anime NOT ROMANCE ONES THOUGH PLEASE I'VE SEEN ENOUGH OF THOSE!! but anyways I'm always open to suggestions. 

And lastly before the the story begins even though I think like 25% of the people going to read this have already started the story. LASTLY right now I'm in year 11 and I dont know that that it is different countries but in the UK we do it in years like yr4 yr7 and yada yada yada. This means basically that if I dont post for a few months i will make up for it by posting like 3-4 chapters at once, if possible. But yeah enough about me. ENJOY THE STORY FOLKS :) 

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