#2 a very long day

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I woke just five minutes before my alarm went off I wasn't in the mood for the noise so I turned my alarm off and got out of bed my eyes landed on the glass tank with a black cloth covering it I quickly went over to it I pulled the cloth off and opened the tank I reached in and picked Medusa up before letting her Slyther around my neck Medusa is an all black ball python snake that somehow found her way into my room a few months ago tho she's a little bit bigger than when I got her so I know I'm doing a good job at keeping her I walked out of my room and into the kitchen but not before making sure dad's not in the kitchen ever since Jackson was controlled to attack the police station dad doesn't like snakes or even lizards so he didn't like it when I showed Medusa to him he was dead against me keeping her so I did what eney normal person would...  I bought a big glass tank and made a nice habitat for her now I keep her in my room and only come out with her after dad left for work and as if dad heard my thoughts he came down stairs just as I was pouring milk to my coffee
"Stiles" dad said with a very sturn tone in his voice I slowly turned around making eye contact with my dear dad
"Yes Daddy" I said smiling sheepishly at him making dad sigh and shook his head "thought I told you to get rid of her stiles" dad said with a raised eyebrow looking me dead in my eyes making me instantly look away from dad
I touched Medusa before gathering myself enough to actually look my dad in the eyes "Dad" I said taking a beep breath before continuing
"I know dad but I just couldn't a-and i-i'll take care of her I'll take care of her on my own dad I promise I already have everything I need it'll cost you nothing dad a-and I-she just managed to make me soft dad she's lovable and s-she's not venomous and she hasn't even bit me once since I had her-"
I stammered struggling to find words so I just stopped talking and looked at my feet before looking at dad giving dad my best doll face and best dolly eyes I could possibly master dad sighed with defeat making me purk up hopefully at him making dad smile at me
"as long as you take care of her I guess you can keep her"
Dad said making me squeal and run up to dad purposely hugging dad making dad shiver at being so close to Medusa "Thank you daddy!" I said before releasing dad from the hug I grabbed my coffee and headed back to my room putting Medusa back in her tank and giving her a baby mouse to eat I did feel bad for the mice but what can you do? starve her? HELL NO! I closed the tank and covered it back up again I took a sip of my coffee and got ready for school I got dressed in a black ripped jeans white t-shirt Black White red and grey high tops with a botton up red black and dark red shirt but I left it unbotton
(Stiles outfit

I quickly drink the rest of my coffee and made my bed then grabbed my phone and headphones to listen to some music at lunch my wallet just incase I'm hungry at lunch and my back pack I looked in the mirror and will admit I do look good I posed inf...

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I quickly drink the rest of my coffee and made my bed then grabbed my phone and headphones to listen to some music at lunch my wallet just incase I'm hungry at lunch and my back pack I looked in the mirror and will admit I do look good I posed infront of the mirror a few times before dad yelled at me to hurry up before I'm late I said goodbye to Medusa before running down the stairs almost tripping but cought myself I putted my mug in the dish washer before kissing my dad good bye I grabbed an apple and my Jeep's keys I ran out the door quickly unlocking the door and got in I putted my backpack in the back seat before praying that my baby would start and that I didn't have to use duck tape again but jumped in joy as she purred to live i then made my way towards Scott's house but not before shouting a quick good bye to my dad again soon I pulled up at Scott's House "COME ON SCOTT" I yelled as I watched him run out the house front door and quickly got in tossing his bag into the back before I started driving to school "dude" Scott said looking at my clothes
"Hey Allison made me buy this and surprisingly I like it so shut up Scott!" I said giving him a playful glare that made him laugh "I mean you look good dude it suits you"Scott said with his usual grin I scoffed at him before smiling "Scott I always look good~" I said making him laugh I'm glad he's supportive Scott's the second person I told about me being pansexual my dad being third and Allison first well I didn't exactly tell her she helped me figure out I was pan after I started noticing my feelings for Lydia wasn't as strong as they was in third grade she said something as puppy love and I guessed she's right we pulled up in the school's parking lot I got out grabbing my and Scott's backpack's closed the door and walked around to Scott's side just as Derek's car parked next to us Boyd Erica and Isaac got out Erica swinging her hips as she walked and Isaac winked at me looking me up and down before grinning and walking away making me scoff like bitch you can't have this!
"looks like Derek's little minions are a little to confident for my taste" I said forgetting Scott's right next to me and that Dereks lap dogs have supernatural hering Scott started laughing as the three turned around to glaring at me making me stick my tongue out at them and yes I know I'm a bit childish at times...ok...all the time but can you blame me look at them by now Scott was laying on the seat as he laughed I smiled at him before I remember we have School to attend
"Come on we have coach class first don't want to get yelled at this urly in the morning now do we" I said with a slight pout as I opened Scott's door and handing Scott his
"thanks dude and your right we better get going" Scott said before we started heading to our lockers once we got to our lockers Derek's ass kisser's stood by their lockers glaring our direction but ofc I just rolled my eyes at them I wanted to throw them my middle finger but Scott stopped me I sighed I definitely didn't had enough coffee this morning I started getting my needed books but my mind wandering off to the snake I saw in the pet store window the snake was getting pestered by two kids and it made me a little upset maybe Medusa would like to have a friend...ore maybe mate...i don't know it would be awesome to have two pet snakes for company I was so lost in thought that I only snapped out of it once Scott lightly shook me "mh" I humed looking at Scott "Welkom back to reality buddy" Scott said making me raised an eyebrow before it hits me "oh um sorry I was just thinking about the snake in the pet shop I might buy them" I said and Scott's eyes widen "Stiles please eney thing but a snake like what about a cat or maybe a little puppy yeah" Scott said making me pout
"my dad's allergic to Furr" I said to Scott upset he doesn't want me to get a pet snake "then how about a bird"
Scott said trying to change my mind "to noisy and messy"
I said crossing my arms "Alright then a pet fish" he said "to boring" I said "turtle" he said crossing his arms before looking behind me as a hand hit my locker slamming it shut making me sigh already knowing it's Derek's little followers I look behind me seeing Isaac smirk at me I gove him a bord look before turning back to Scott "No a turtle's not really my type of pet Scott and it'll neen a way bigger habitat special care and I can't take it eney where with me plus it's boring and slow" I told him making him scoff "A turtle might be your typ of pet Scott but it's not mine it freaks me out" I said making Scott gasp "Well as if snakes don't freak me out!" Scott said making me gasp "How dare you say that there adorable and sweet and I've made up my mind I'm going to get that snake wether you like it or not Scott" I said turning my head away from him
"Fine but I'm not coming over ever as long as it's in your house how's your dad ok with letting you have a pet snake"
Scott said shivering as he mentioned the word snake
"My dad was fine with me keeping Medusa he said as long as it's my responsibility and I cear for her than I could keep her" I said in a matter of fact voice "and what's that your action figure" Erica said scoffing as she roll her eyes I turned to look at her "Actually Medusa is my female all black ball python" I said making Scott gasped
"you already have a snake!"
Scott exclaimed loudly "yes" I said "then why do you want a nother one?" Isaac asked making me roll my eyes "because I do" I said right before the bell rang I walked off towards coach class I got there just in time and took my seat Scott and Isaac came in just a few seconds after me I noticed all the lacrosse players was here even those that doesn't take this class as I was looking around I made eye contact with Jackson I don't know if it was the way he stared at me or what but it made my skin crawl in a good way and made me flush a little bit but I broke eye contact first and focused my gase at the bord trying my best not to look at Jackson even though I could fell his eyes still on me like I could fell him looking me up and down making me nervous and out of nervous habit I started biting my nails and bouncing my knee then I remembered I ran out of my ADHD meds I'll have to go get some more after school I thought before coach started speaking I then noticed a lady standing next to coach when did she get here? "Alright little pest listen up and stop your yapping"
Coach said and everyone stay'd quite and Jackson finally stopped staring at me "ok thank you coach so I'm miss Daniella Gryffin and I'm here to tell you this class along with the other classes will be going on a little trip seeing as tomorrow is Friday so if it alright with your perants or guardian you'd need to prepare for for a weekend long trip!" She said and everyone started cheering but not me what's going to happen to Medusa dad wouldn't feed her unless I feed her a little extra tomorrow. Ball Python's can go three to four days without food I'd just have to make sure her habitat is cleen and she has enough water and I'd do the same with the other one if I do end up buying them I should probably before someone else does I thought "alright alright thank you Miss Gryffin now I'm sure your little brains are wondering why all of the lacrosse players are here and not in there rightful classes well seeing as tomorrow you'd all be lazing around I decided that today instead of learning you're going to train your asses off we have a game next Tuesday so I better see some progress!!!"
Coach yelled the last bit startling miss Griffin who was handing out paper's that our perants need to sing I already knew today was going to be a long day...

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