The Story the Oracle Fire Told

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    Nothing has been the same since that day. The home I lived in for fourteen years felt like a prison. My room didn't have that warm and cozy feeling anymore. I look over at my bookshelf filled with artifacts I bought with Alexander. The collection I used to be so proud of now brought me nothing but hate and sadness. The love I felt from Cloyd and Becky wasn't the same anymore. Now that I know what they were plotting, I could never take the words "I love you, Avelina..." to heart. These past few days, I didn't feel like myself anymore. I didn't want to do anything anymore. I didn't want to move, eat, drink or even talk. Becky tried to come and comfort me, but I didn't even acknowledge her. Cloyd tried cheering me up when he came to see me.

"Avelina, you need sunlight. Why don't we all go for a walk?" asked Cloyd.

"No, I don't want to...." I replied weakly.

"Lina, come on, you can't stay in your room forever,"

I didn't reply. Cloyd turned to look at Becky, and he shrugged. Cloyd sighed, turned back to me, and said, "Avelina I understand that everything you found out is a lot to take in, but you can't be sulking for the rest of your life. Sooner or later, you will have to contribute to our cause."

Again I didn't say anything. I just shut my eyes and tried to fall asleep. But Cloyd was half right about what he said. As much as all of this had been overwhelming, to find out it wasn't just the debt to hell, or family prophecy, or the crown. What hurt me the most was Alexander. I loved him so much. He meant the world to me. But he decided to choose some evil woman over me...

My heart couldn't take it. I feel so much pain in my chest.

Eventually, I did end up leaving my room. I had a bag over my shoulder that was full of my clothes. I wasn't going to stay here anymore. I had to go. I had to find my way to dreamland and see Tiabeanie and my birth father. I was quiet as I made my way down the halls. All I could think about was leaving. I needed to find a boat quickly. Maybe I could sneak onto one as they were going.

I left the palace, and I made my way down the stairs. I rushed down the road and hurried my way through the busy crowd in the market. I see the bays from afar, along with some boats still docked in. I rushed forward, and I got close to one of the boats. But I paused. Damn it...

Alexander was standing against a wall. He looked over at me. "Where are you going, Lina?" He asked me.

"I'm leaving," I told him bluntly.

"No, you're not," Alexander said

"Don't you even think of trying to stop me," My heart was racing. I didn't want to fight Alexander. I just wanted to leave.

Alexander walked towards me. My heart was pounding against my chest. "Stay away from me!" I shouted as I took out a small dagger. "Don't come near me!"

"Put that away, Avelina, before you hurt yourself," said Alexander.

He was getting closer and closer to me.

"Stay back!"


"Don't come near me!"

Of course, I was bluffing. I didn't want to hurt Alexander...but...I didn't want to go back to the palace. I just wanted to get away from everything. This place...this place didn't feel like home anymore. But before I knew it Alexander grabbed my wrist, and I dropped the knife.

"Let go of me!" I shouted. "LET GO!"

But no matter how much I struggled, it didn't matter. Alexander took me right back to the palace. The two of them sat me down in the living room and began talking to me.

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