Chapter 36: The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

Again she was at a loss for words, unsure of how to respond.

"One person to another, please. Just tell me, explicitly."

She looked nervous and unsure if she should answer my question but it seemed she started speaking before she realized it.

"They're traumatized... Imagine waking up in a new body, having to relearn how it works and moves..."

"I don't have to imagine that. This body is almost 3 weeks old!" I forced a boisterous laugh, trying to lighten the mood but she looked just as uncomfortable as before.

"Can you imagine having your mind ripped out of your body and being forced into a new one? Having to, rearrange your thoughts into the way they felt before? I've been told it's like being disassembled while you're still conscious uh, 'dismembered', for organics."

I couldn't feign an upbeat attitutde anymore. I remembered what some other Androids told me and it made me sick to my stomach.


"A living hell." I finished her thought and she noticed my disposition change.

"Forgive me, but I over heard the Captain at one point during our travel here." I looked at her quizzically. "She couldn't wait to see you again, that's the basic gist of it."

I have to get back on board. I had family on the Shinimorte so I'm of two minds about how to feel, but for you, I hope she gets over it soon. Many star systems saw what happened at the hearing as I'm sure you're aware." She paused again, not sure if she should continue speaking. "Lots of us had sus..."

"Private! Ms. Steegle is finally leaving the ship, get back on board. We're leaving immediately."

A male organic was yelling from the docking bay. The Private saluted me and walked back up into the ship.

I saw a shine of metallic skin glittering in the shade provided by the ships docking bay door. She looked different, like the others but when she looked at me I knew it was Lancieta. We locked eyes for a moment then she looked down at the ground and walked over to Yora and Roisin. They stood in a tight triangle on the port until her containers were off loaded and the ship lifted off. I wasn't sure if I should approach them or not. I didn't know how to approach them to be honest. I slowly walked over and programmed their containers to follow, the six of them lifted off the ground waiting obediently. I walked over to Lancieta and hugged her. She moved awkwardly and slowly returned the sentiment.

"You've grown - a little, since we last saw you."

Yora sounded a little more awkward than he thought he would. I tried to relax and went over to Yora and Roisin. Yora put his hand out for a shake.

"I might - crush your ribs. Still getting used to the muscles, in this body... as well as other things of course."

Roisin put her hand up also. "It's ta-ta-taking me l-longer to adjust..."

I did my best to skirt the line of friendly and respectful. "It's fine, uh uour rooms are as you left them so you've got that as a starting point. Your plants were taken care of while we were away Roisin."

A smile appeared, then her eyebrow twitched and she covered her face in frustrated embarrassment.

I motioned for us to walk towards Section 6. Roisin trailed behind as she was moving awkwardly, her hands would spasm and her legs would go stiff at points. She held herself with both arms to try and minimize her body's outbursts. She hid between the containers so people wouldn't stare at her. Luckily, the containers were small enough that when we got to the main elevator two containers could fit at a time. I helped Roisin climb on top of one of her containers and it carried her into the elevator. As the doors closed she looked like she was on the verge of passing out from exhaustion. The other larger elevators that had been repaired, but familiarity was more important than getting inside. I thought it'd help with their brain restructuring in some way.

Bestial Planetजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें