Chapter 22: Report and Respond

Start from the beginning

"Xiloch, awaken."

A few seconds of silence went by as The Wyvern made her way down the hallway to the mission room, then a deep and raspy voice answered.

"Who's the target Princess?"

"The remaining Androids on Earth. The humans are to be left alone."

"Clean up?"

"Jinrai and Lancieta are still alive. They should prove to make the mission entertaining."

"Now that sounds like fun. Who am I to lead?"

"Four of your own choosing. Report to me once you've gathered them to your side, I want to brief you on the human's new abilities and what the automatons have left to defend themselves with."

"Abilities? Hmm... effects of the weapon meant for our people?"

"Report to me after you've gathered your team Xiloch."

The line went dead and Xiloch smashed his hand onto his bedside table. He roared an indistinguishable word with a sly grin on his face. In a few minutes 4 of his assassins showed up at his door on their air-bikes. Once he grabbed his gear he exited his unit, not acknowledging his assassins sitting outside as he mounted his own bike. They quietly followed him to the Mission Room. The low hum of their bikes is almost drowned out by the sounds of the city around them.

Halgred are a race that actively change their sleep schedules. Since their one true love is war, the entire race are actively on call and their shifts are changed constantly. Diurnal, nocturnal, crepuscular, matutinal, and vespertine, they all change between these sleep schedules and do so without fatigue. However, if someone shows difficulty with the changes after maturity they are culled. These changes are necessary due to the psychological effects on the individual.

The double crescent is casting it's red and blue light on the elevated street as the five assassins glide across to the central building. They arrive at the Mission Room building and one of them breaks the silence before they walk in.

"Commander, I have to be honest."


"I have been having some difficulty adjusting to Crepuscular, as much as I enjoy the twilight it proves a challenge."

Xiloch stopped, looked into the young man's eyes and studied the muscle movements in his face. Korth neither looked worried or confident, just ready and slightly tired.

"If you fail to adjust during our transit to Earth and die in battle you will have your truth. If you survive, you are adjusting just fine and are worrying for nothing."

"I understand Commander. Thank you for keeping me on this mission."

"If I were in your position I'd rather die in battle."

Xiloch quickly about faced and entered the Mission Room, his assassins in tow.

"My team is present and accounted for Princess. In order of accomplishment: Gridt, Jir, Trik, and the Egg is Korth."

"The Egg looks to be having Shift Change Syndrome."

"If he dies, he dies."

The princess glared at the young one disapprovingly for a moment then looked to the others and began.

"A total number of 19 Androids survived the crash into Earth."

Gridt makes a hacking sound, as she nudged Trik and looked at Jir.

"Fucken automatons, too stupid to know to shut down."

Trik nodded in agreement and Jir smiled as the Wyvern Princess continued.

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