"No need to call me ma'am, I'm not married yet." I blushed while handing her the packages. I look down a bit hoping she wouldn't notice my red face.

Our hands brushed together making me blush deeper. I spun my heels and left the unit as fast as I could.

"Thank you, honey!" She called out behind me, and a small chuckle leaves her. I sprinted away from the area, my face probably looking redder than any tomatoes now.

I finally arrived at my home after calling a cab. There's usually no driver at this current time but I'm quite lucky.

While laying on the couch my mind suddenly drifted to the woman I met today. There's really no special thing about her apart from her gorgeous face. Then why do I feel so attracted to her?

My mind is slowly going blank until my eyes are closed in exhaustion from today.


Three days passed by and I was doing my job normally as the mailwoman, sending packages either by walking or the truck.

"Hey, Y/N. Thanks for helping me the other day. Would you like to eat fast food? My treat." F/N asked, crossing his arms while leaning at the office doorway.

"Thanks but I'm quite busy today. Let's go the other day." I looked up at him at saw his face drop a bit before he quickly covered it.

"Oh, alright. See you then." I felt bad for rejecting his offer. But I'm not really in the mood to eat now. My mind once again thinking about the jet-haired woman the other day.

While I was deep in thought my coworker dropped something on the table making me jolt up.

"Y/N, your shift ends in 1 hour, right? Before you go home please send these packages to the assigned address" My senior spoke before he walked out from the room I was sitting in.

I examined the parcel, looking at the address and name. It was a quite small package. My eyes widened a bit at the name. It was the same woman from the last time.

My heart is suddenly beating fast, and a blush appeared on my face. The thoughts of meeting this woman are making me all excited. What the hell?!
Get it together Y/N! This is your job.

I picked up the package and stuff it inside my bag while heading towards the building exit. I think I won't take the truck, the apartment is close by. Just a few blocks away from here.

After 10 minutes, I finally arrived at unit 768. My heart is beating once again. I braced myself to knock on the door.
This time it doesn't take her too long to open the door.

And as expected, I was greeted by the hot-looking beauty called Ms C in front of me. I cleared my throat and handed her the paper for her to sign.

While she was signing I take a good look at her outfit today. She just wearing a baggy black shirt, and black Nike shorts. With her hair tied up in a ponytail style. Her chest is quite large too...


Hm? Like what you see?" I quickly darted my eyes from her chest. Too late-
My face is all red from getting caught looking at her chest. It was honestly more embarrassing than falling in public places.

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