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"Mmmh-" What happened yesterday? I couldn't remember at all. My whole body feels so stiff, especially my part...down there. I put my hands on the side forcing myself to get up. My head's pounding so hard it feels like someone hammering my head over and over.

I looked around the room only to find myself naked on the bed with a body beside me. Sleeping soundly. A body??!
"Aaah!!!! What the fuck are you doing here?? Most importantly why are we naked?!" The person on the mattress still not moving. Angrily, I pulled the cover off the body.

"Argh! What do you want? Just sleep, it's still early." The person- no- woman grumbles. Now I was able to see her face clearly, her face has a small tattoo below her left eye, shaped like an 'X'. I travelled my eyes down to her chest, until her crotch. A big hard rod poked out of the sheets, the head is bright red, the precum oozing out from the tip.

"Like what you see~?" She teases. I quickly look the other way not wanting to face her, my face is still hot from getting caught staring at her. "You can touch it though~ I don't mind" Standing up I pick up my clothes from the floor and walk to the bathroom.
I finished my business and walk over to the mirror to check out myself.
"I hope she doesn't leave any marks. That would be troublesome." I sighed, thankful that she didn't mark me.

"Hey, are you leaving?" The female alpha standing by the bathroom door, with that cocky face of hers... Most importantly, how the hell did she get inside? "Yes, I'm leaving. I also have work today." I said, putting on some simple makeup to cover the small marks on my collarbone.

She walked over to me, sliding her big hands over my waist and hugging me from behind. "Will I be able to see you again?" She whispered, a fake pout plastered on her face. "Probably not," I said, still fixing my face. Her grip on my waist tightened, and her eyes darkened.

"H-hey, you're hurting me." I put my hands on her big ones trying to loosen up the grip. Her alpha strength is like a bear, compared to my omega strength.
Realizing that I struggled to breathe she quickly released me. "I- I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you" Her eyes looks like she was about to cry. I put my hands on her face rubbing it softly. Her eyes softened and a red blush appeared on her cheeks.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm not sure when I can meet you again but I'm sure we will." She smiled, "Promise?" She asked, putting up her pinky finger. I put my pinky over hers. "I promise" Her face lit up like a child who is excited about a surprise promised by their parents. Is this the alpha who fucked me roughly last night?

She escorted me to the front door. I gave her a quick kiss on the lips and we bid our goodbyes. I can't lie, she is hot, not to mention that big dick of hers.
I wish I could be her omega. Sadly, I couldn't. She is probably going to leave me if she finds out about my past. I've dated a lot of alpha but sadly they leave me after I opened up about my tragic past.

To be continued...

There is going to be a part 2

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