23: The Mystery Room and the Agreement

Start from the beginning

She always pushed me away when I tried to bring us closer. It was like a dance where every two steps closer we glided away, the tips of our fingers being the only thing that told others we were dance partners. She did not see me for who I was, or if she did, she did not look deeper than what she first took in. So sure of her conclusion of me, so fixed was my spot in her life that she did not think there was much more to delve deeper into. I wished she would...

What did I wish for? I paused at Viper's door before shaking my head clear of those thoughts. I knew what I wanted, but the way to it was far from complicated. At times it felt like doing things her way was the obvious right answer, but when she made those melancholic expressions when she thought no one was watching, I wondered why I hadn't already set the world on fire. 

I knocked on the door twice and waited. The door flung open and a strained relieved face quickly turned fearful as the small female looked from where she had been expecting my face to be, eyes trailing up slowly until they came up to my eyes. I didn't bother with an expression, I wasn't in the mood for pretenses, and the more they feared us the lower the chances of them betraying the silent order. So far everything was going smoothly, but I knew how a quick change of mind could ruin it all in tense situations. 

"Excuse me," I waited patiently for the woman to remember how to use her feet. She hadn't blinked for a long time, but when she did she finally managed to shuffle away from the door looking down as her breaths came to her quickly. I slipped passed her and walked over to Viper, her room as the one I had been guided to before was nearly identical, spacious, and filled with anything one would need. Lightly colored and well-matched with wooden decor. 

She had a platter of fruit in one hand as she lounged on a couch pushed against the far wall, she watched me with amusement that turned into confusion before she half sat up, her hair tumbling freely now. She had taken full advantage of the hospitality offered by Mrs.Virty and had a change of clothing that was more to her taste. Dark velvets and lace, mesh, and willowy sleeves. 

"You can leave us be, Merit." My sister called, looking past me to give the servant a smile she might have called kind. 

"Y-Yes, I-I will be close by if you wish for anything else." The woman made no pretenses to try to hide her evacuation from the room. Her steps rang loudly in our sensitive ears as she ran away. Dark eyes flickered back to me now, a probing inquiry, demanding an explanation. I walked over to the couch and sat down, crossing my arms over my chest. I did nothing to dodge the multiple small fruits that began to pelt me in the face.

"Speak wench," She smirked at my pointed glare. "Or remain silent forever." 

"It's 'speaks now or forever hold'." I corrected. She stopped at once, tilting her head, perfectly sculpted brow arched at me.

"Did you understand what I meant to say?"


"Then same shit." She continued her pelting. All of the fruits began collecting on my lap, I cupped them and placed them back on her platter. "Now answer."

"I think I've made progress." I didn't have to clarify with her.

"Ah," She laid down, turning on her back as she dropped something she was about to throw at me into her mouth. "Still working on that same sentence in that same chapter I see." She hummed uncaringly. 

"It's real progress this time." I defended. It burned me to no small degree that a small part of me understood what she was saying because then that would mean that I also agreed. It was but a small part. 

"You made real progress on the day she took an emotional blow." She turned her head to me, chewing slowly. "Careful, your gentleman act is slipping."

 "I am a gentleman." She began coughing dramatically, pounding at her chest as I watched her dramatic enactment. She ceased at once and turned to me, finger jabbing in my direction.

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