Part VI ( Throe )

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"Is there still hope?
I wish there was...
another chance.."

Nyx is a terrible entity that uses her dearest to bring about the fall.

Such cruelty...

"The arcana is the means in which all is revealed..
Attaining one's dream requires a stern will and unfailing determination.", he says, shifting his arcana from fool to magician,regaining his strength.


The will and determination they had as the team to defy fate.. this final battle is the culmination of it all..

"The silent voice within one's heart whispers the most profound wisdom.", he says, shifting his arcana from magician to priestess, aiming an ice attack on Ken.

Nyx Avatar

Their resolve was in vain. Even if they manage to somehow exhaust him, the end is inevitable.

"Celebrate life's grandeur.... it's brilliance.... it's magnificence.", he says, changing his arcana from priestess to empress.


Their resolve- their goal will suceed. She knows that it will happen. Willing to pay any price to keep her highest priority protected, she took the wind attack that was aimed on Minako.She won't let this beautiful, sparkling world to be destroyed.

"Only courage in the face of doubt can lead one to the answer...", he says , shifting his arcana from empress to emperor.


She had once believed that escape is a solace if her burdens are too much for her to handle. Now, facing them head on , for her, is much better. That's why they have to fight to the end - or die trying.

"It is indeed a precious gift to understand the forces to guide oneself...", he says, shifting his arcana from emperor to hierophant.


He has lost his way before. Failing to see the reality of life, his best friend paid the price. Now, he wouldn't dissapoint his friend anymore.

"Did you see that, Shinji?", he said, shooting his evoker at his forhead.

"There is both joy and wonder in coming to understand another...", he says, shifting his arcana from hierophant to lovers.


She lost many things... people... values... But, there is something you can only gain by losing something. However, she knows that she must fight to the end, to finish what her father had started. That was her choice, a choice she will never regret.

"One of life's greatest blessings is the freedom to pursue one's goals.", he says, shifting his arcana from lovers to chariot.


He won't back down anymore. No more running away, no more false fronts , no more, not anymore. Because he has to fight for someone. Someone really, really important.

"Time to make the most out of the gift you gave me...", he said, summoning his persona,Trismegistus.

"To find the one true path,one must seek guidance amidst uncertainity...", he says, shifting his arcana from chariot to justice.


Honestly, she doesn't know the true meaning of the word until recently. But now, she felt needed, she felt that she was only undermining herself all those years.

"Thanks for everything... everyone..", she thought silently.

"It requires great honesty to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path...", he says, shifting his arcana to justice to hermit.


A loss made him lose his will to live, while another gave him the reason to live. Now, his eyes are set on the future. He will fight alongside them and will protect her to the end.

"Alongside time exists fate,
The bearer of cruelty...", he says, shifting his arcana from hermit to his other self, fortune.

Nyx Avatar

Truth to be told , I have always wanted to see you again.. But not this way... I never wanted... to hurt my friends...

"Only with strength can one endure suffering and torment.", he says, shifting his arcana from fortune to


He can't communicate with the rest of the pack( with the exception of the mechanical maiden ). But, he's sure that they can see that he would fight alonside the pack until the end. The Alpha taught him many things... She's not his master, but he will always be her loyal friend.

"In the face of disaster lies opportunity for renewal.", he says, shifting his arcana from strength to hanged man.


Am I ready for the end?
No, I am ready to fulfill the contract. Our contract. I chose this fate of my own free will.

"Beneath the beaten path lies the absolute end...
It does not matter who you are..
Death awaits you..", shifting his arcana from hanged man to his true arcana, death.

Nyx Avatar

"Don't be the monster they fear you are!", a voice inside me says in the darkness. "But what if I already am?", I responded, the imposing tones of my voice makes it harsher than it seems. "It's over..", I continued.

"Let us finish this! This is the path of your choosing!", I said, summoning my last chance, the last hope that they will be knocked out and will not suffer. Funny, I used the word. Hope...


"Minako... you don't deserve this...", he says, his voice the only thing reaching her.

"I may not deserve this , Ryoji... But the world deserves this..", she said, raising her hand to make the greatest miracle the world will ever see.


He already found his voice. Surely he can.. He had himself before... he only had to remember it.. He was human before...

He felt... off. Like someone forced him to reform and here he was, seated... Black spots dotted his vision.

Where was he anyway?

"Welcome to the Velvet Room. This place exists between dream and reality, mind and matter."


Err, this chapter is messy.
The people's thoughts during the battle in order.
Note that Minako and Ryoji's are always first person.

1.(Fool) Minako
2.(after Magician) Minako
3.(Priestess) Nyx Avatar/Ryoji
4.(Empress) Aigis
5.(Emperor) Mitsuru
10.(Hermit) Ken
11.(Fortune)Nyx Avatar/Ryoji
12.(Strength)Koro :3
13.(Hanged Man)Minako
14.(Death)Nyx Avatar/ Ryoji

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