Part I ( Dream )

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"Time never waits..."

It feels... wrong. That his height is not supposed to be this high. That he's not supposed to...

"Mochizuki-kun?" , Minako asked. The first transfer student.

Sometimes, his name doesn't even sound familiar .

"Hey, Ryoji-kun, what are you gaping at?", Junpei asks.

"It's that... I had the strangest feeling when I looked at Minako-chan. Have we met before?" , he asks.

In reality, he's more than sure that they have met before, especially Aigis.

He just can't put it together !

No wonder his parents left him. He's just an amnesiac person who can't even remember his parents' name, or even his.

Not minding the fact that when he's first introduced a few hours ago, he nearly said that his name was , "Minako Arisato".

He didn't know what could've happen if he -

"Hey, Ryoji-kun, are you even listening to me?", Junpei asks, waving his hands. Minako smiled apologetically at me.

"Anyways, I hope that we'll get along.", he said, keeping his cheery composure.

He's sure that he wants her to smile like that again. For him. Not a "motherly" smile, but-

"What am I even thinking?", he muttered to himself as he started to walk away from the classroom, not minding much, for the first time, the swarm of girls that followed him.

"..It delivers us all to the same end"

"Should I go, Mochizuki-kun?", Minako said , her voice barely a whisper.

The glares of the girls are those of a dog who protects their master from an intruder. More painful than the glares of the Akihiko fans.

She's the intruder, and Ryoji is the master.

For Ryoji, these girls are starting to get into him. Girls are annoying ! She was a girl, yes, but she was not like these girls.

He might have made an impression with this girls, which is what he had wanted before, but he's not so sure now.

"Wait... I'm...."

There he is again. Why is it that when he is with her his charm fails? Nothing comes out from him except raw honesty when he's with her.

"...I'm sorry."

"Sorry? What are you sorry for ?", she asked.

"It's just, Minako-chan..."

She looked at him expectantly.

The words that he would say better be right or else-

"Minako-chan, It's just that... I want to be more honest with you..", he said, crossing his fingers.


"Um... Minako-chan, could you do me a favor?"


"Can you just call me by my first name ? I mean, if you want to, that is?"

(In Japan , calling a person by his/her first name means you're quite close to a person :3 )

In reality, he thinks he should be wary about Mochizuki, Full moons.

"Sure, Ryoji-kun", Minako replied, smiling and held his hand.

"Whatever that will make you comfortable, that is. I'm not forcing you or anything. And because, Minako-chan, I really believed that I know you. Aigis too, It's just that I can't put it all together..."

Ryoji sighed hopelessly. How are you going to explain a thing that you yourself can't explain yourself?

-I don't own Persona 3 or it's characters. Altus does.
-The cover was hand made, I used colored pencil and paper.. :3
-I'm sorry if they are somehow ooc

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