Chapter - 3

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'' God, Zayn stop it..., everyone is looking at us.'' ''So what? I am calling my boyfriend,right?'' Zayn hugged Harry from behind. Liam gave them a small smile, a weak smile. '' Wait here, I'll take the luggages.'' Harry removed himself from his grip. '' Alright, give me a kiss....'' Zayn pouted his lips and Harry chuckled and kissed him. Liam looked away in hurt. ''So...?'' Zayn put his hands in his pocket. ''So, you packed everything right?'' Liam asked. ''Yup, You're the one who packed everything Li.'' ''Yeah just becoz you were whining like a child.'' Liam rolled his eyes. ''But that did the work.'' Zayn chuckled. Liam smiled at him.''When are you leaving to Wolverhampton?'' Zayn suddenly asked. ''Next week. It will take time to ready some documents. But except that everything is ready. Also Niall is going to Ireland tomorrow. So...'' Liam stopped when he saw the frown on his bestfriend's face. He sighed.'' Zayn, he is just angry becoz he don't want to leave me here alone. But yeah, he have to. You know becoz of dad. You know how dad is. He was forcing him to go there saying he don't want to forgot his roots and all. And yeah, he also denied when he suggested the idea of me going with Ni.'' Liam lowered his head and voice at the last words. He knows his father doesn't like him. Its been 11 years. But still. According to his father, Liam and his mother was just two mistakes. His mother - A mistake his father don't want to remember, him - he don't want to accept. He remembers how his father told his mother he have nothing to do with them and they spend years without any support or help. Liam was only 8 when his mother died. Niall and his mom came to see him that day and brought him to their home. Turns out she already knew about the affair, besides she was a kind woman. When his father saw him with them ofcourse he yelled at Niall's mom for bringing him home, but she have proofs including paternity test. She took care of him just like her own son. She hugged him when he cried, she fed him, bought new clothes and toys for him. And his father kept quiet but glared him with disgusting eyes. Everytime he was alone with his dad, he would shout at him for ruining his family life. Yeah, he loved Maura (niall's mom) and he dont want to hurt her by saying about the affair. But why did he had an affair when he was really in love with Maura, he don't know. He remembers how his father insulted and talked disgusting words about his mother. Liam cried so much that night. Wanting to go back to his small house or an orphanage. He couldn't even defend her infront of their dad. His mother was a pure soul and she didn't knew that his father had another family. But Niall came to him and cuddled  him to sleep. Niall was a month older than him, but he acted like an elder brother. He was really protective.He was there for him, always. Well, he tried to give the love his father never gave. Always tried to defend him infront of everyone, even infront of his father. He was also really caring. He met Zayn and louis through Niall. They were neighbours and friends since childhood. The three were like siblings even their parents treated them like that. Always pranks, funs and laughs. At first, Louis was hesitant  when Niall wanted to add Liam in their rowdy group. Ofcourse he didn't want a loser like him with them and ruin their group's reputation. He always scared him and made fun of him. But zayn was different. He still remembers his curious eyes when he first saw him. He spend more time with him. He gave him toys,comics and sweets. He speaks a lot to him. He was so kind and Liam loved being with him. Sometimes Liam loved being alone with him. He always had something more than friendship with him. He did feel it even from a young age. He don't know why. Maybe becoz its the way he hugged him whenever  he cries after getting scold by his father, Maybe its becoz the same interests, you know the music, Marvel, superheros and all. Or maybe its becoz how he made him smile or gave chocolate everytime  when he was upset. He even defended him infront of Louis. And yeah ofcourse louis was jealous at some point. And blamed him for stealing his bestfriend. And he knows even niall was jealous sometimes. But everything changed when the other kids in neighbourhood attacked him. Louis and zayn ran to his house. They were 10 and he was crying while Maura(niall's mom) was trying to put ointment on his wounds. Niall cuddled him, he was also on the verge of tears. He remembers after his mother left them alone, Louis stood there like a mafia leader who wants to do revenge. Now he feels like laughing. Becoz little louis being all serious like that, it was cute. And yeah he hugged liam for first time and said Liam was one of us and he is also my brother and we are gonna teach them a lesson. They really fought with the kids and even a kid broke his arm in the fight. Their parents grounded them for a week. But louis and zayn being louis and zayn sneaked out and came to see Niall and Liam. And yeah his father blamed him again sayinng that he was ruining their characters. But Zayn kissed him on the cheek and told him dont mind him, that he loves him and he will never hate him, no matter what. Yeah, that was the first time zayn kissed him and said I love you to him. March 7th, a wednesday. He still feels butterfly when he remembers that. When Maura died whole thing changed again. They were 15.  The whole house went to a depressed mode. Niall refused to eat. Dad started drinking. And liam felt alone. he just wanted to save his family. He tried to console Niall and Niall tried to console their father. He didnt want to see him turning into a drunkard. But still he stood for him whenever he blamed liam for Maura's death. Zayn and louis stayed with them during that time. Zayn always cuddled him to sleep. And again the four started to spend more times than earlier. Even in school no one dared to mess with them. Their bond was that strong. And now liam is afraid, that their friendship is gonna ruin becoz of him. Louis have some doubts and he even asked Niall what's the matter. But he kept silent. Even Zayn tried to speak to him, but he avoided or changed the subject. But Louis and Zayn knows there is something wrong and its involving zayn. Becoz Niall was not speaking to him like usual. They waited. But nothing changed. Even after their graduation he avoided zayn. And zayn was confused and hurt. Liam was sad. It was his mistake afterall. The day the whole zayn and harry thing happened, Niall got really scared when he didn't opened the door. When he finally let him in, he hugged him to dearlife doesn't even caring that he is wet. He layed on Niall's lap and told the whole story. He was crying. And Niall listened to him without saying anything. After hearing everything, Niall was fuming with anger. He really was ready to punch zayn on his face. Liam told him that it wasn't his mistake. Zayn loves Harry. And that's the reality. He have to move on. He promised he will move on. But when Zayn tried to call him Niall lost it and snapped at him shouting him to leave them alone. And yeah Zayn was upset and angry with the whole situation.

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