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"Hey." Bonnie and Elena walked past Y/N, furthering into the girls condo, straight to the dining table.

Y/N let out a chuckle, closing the door behind her new friends, close behind them. Apparently Bonnie and Elena had something important they just needed to tell Y/N about. Something important that for some reason Caroline needn't know. Bonnie dropped the big bag of take-out the three had ordered, immediately unpacking it and setting up the table.

"So, what do you guys need to tell me?" Y/N asked, reaching for the dish she asked Elena to grab her.

"Very fun stuff," Bonnie mentioned, rounding Y/N's kitchen passthrough for some cutlery,

"Yes. Very fun, very fun," Elena nodded, "so, Caroline's birthday is October 10th, Bonnie and I started thinking of maybe a surprise party this year? Wanted your take." Elena took her seat, Y/N too, a wide smile spreading her face no matter how hard she tried to calm it. Bonnie returned back to the table, each of them digging into Mystic Grills great meals.

"What are your thoughts so far?" Y/N asked, leaning forward a little as Elena whipped out her notes app.

"Well, Bonnie and I decided a few months ago that an expensive or formal pink and white theme would be the vibe,"

"Okay, yeah," Y/N nodded, images of Caroline in dozens of different pink dresses flashed in her mind.

"But we really need help with details, and being in the squad now we rest easy we know we have a third opinion," Bonnie chuckled, taking another bite of the only tofu dish The Grill offered.

"Great, yeah. What are you guys stuck on?"

"Well..." Elena started, glancing at Bonnie for a moment, "everything, honestly. We don't really know what to do. Decorations, venue, cake, all that stuff. It's always Caroline doing the parties..." She sighed.

"Alright, well let's start with venue," Y/N nodded.

"We were thinking the Boarding House, it's big, pretty nice inside," Bonnie shrugged. Even she sounded unconfident in the suggestion. A certain tug from her mouth told Y/N that the Boarding House was their only option. And yeah it was big inside, and pretty nice. But from Bonnie's tone that certainly sounded like someone trying to convince another of it's state, regardless of how beautiful the Boarding House really was.

"It's pretty dark in there for a pink and white themed birthday," Y/N shrugged.

"Yeah, but we can make it lighter looking," Elena said, uncertainty pulling at her tone.

"Well, what about the ramen place on Main street? It's literally just white panelled walls and marble floor," Y/N shrugged.

Bonnie and Elena looked at each other then back at Y/N. "See, Y/N, this is why we desperately needed your opinion," Elena said, looking up the ramen bar on Safari.

'Wait, wait." Y/N held her hand out slightly, the girls looked up. "Why don't we just do it here?" She asked.

"At your place?" Bonnie asked.

"Yeah. Why not?"

"I don't know, you saw Caroline's Back to School Bash..." Elena mentioned,

"Sure but that was everyone in senior year, a few strays here and there. I feel like we could fit like fourty people here. And, if we're doing that formal theme, should be easier clean up than a regular party," Y/N shrugged. Elena's brows furrowed for a moment as she thought it through. Y/N couldn't imagine any type of combat to her suggestions, and eventually Elenas face lifted into a small smile and she started nodding.

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