"Of course I do, I'll see you later," Rio said and before you could protest again Rio hung up.

Well I guess that was one way to show Kite you brought another person back from the 'dead'.

The thing is you didn't get this sick when you brought Kite's soul back. You felt yourself about to throw up again.


You let out a quivered breath.

"Y/n?!" You heard Kite call.

"In here...," You said weakly. A few seconds later Kite stepped into the bathroom. He was carrying a bag that seemed to have a few items in it.

"You look a lot worse in person," Kite sighed as he set a hand on your forehead.

"Thanks...," you chuckled softly.

"Let's get you back to bed," Kite said as he effortlessly picked you up. Kite brought you back to your room and set you on the bed. Your fatigue made it so you almost immediately passed out. Kite gently pulled the blanket over you. Arlo jumped up next to you and curled up by your legs.

"Rio is also coming...," you mumbled just before passing out.

*Kite's Pov*

"M-m-master Kite!" Orbital entered the room.

"What is it, I'm busy," I said, not looking away from my screen.

"Y/n... Y/n's vitals indicate they may be sick," Orbital said. I stop and look at Orbital.

"Call them," I said.

Before going over to Y/n house I stopped by the store grabbing soup, tea and some medicine.

When I got to Y/n house they were still in the bathroom. I got them back to bed, but just before passing back out Y/n told me Rio was also coming over? Rio? Who's Rio...? I'm just not going to question it for now. I went to the kitchen and set the stuff on the counter. When I got back to the living room I sat down on the couch and got to reading one of the most recent novels I had picked up.

From there I checked on Y/n in thirty minute intervals.

Around 2:45 there was a knock on the front door.

Was that Rio?

I sighed getting off the couch and headed to the door. A girl with blue bangs and purple hair stood there, Shark a few feet behind her.

"Doesn't surprise me that you're here," Shark said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked as I crossed my arms.

"Quite acting tough. We're all here for the same reason," Shark snickered. Knowing Y/n wouldn't want an argument I swallowed my pride and let the two inside.

"Ignore my brother here, I'm Rio, Reginald's sister," The girl said as I closed the door.

"Kite, I'm a friend of Y/n," I said.

"Just a friend?" Rio asked. I could hear Shark snicker.

"Yeah, just a friend," I confirmed.

"Yep and that's why your jacket's hanging in their laundry room," Shark said sarcastically.

"Hey you two cut it out," Rio said before I could say anything. "Y/n is sick and that's why we're all here."


Y/n stood in their doorway, still just as pale.

"Y/n!" Rio rushed over to them.

"Hey Rio," Y/n mumbled.

"How you feeling?" Rio asked.

"Like tiny people are trying to rework my guts," Y/n said as they leaned against Rio.

"Come on, let's get you washed up a little," Rio said as she lead Y/n to the bathroom.

"Look after those two, I got some errands to run," Shark said as he headed to the door. I didn't say anything, but just gave a slight nod.

After Shark left I headed to the kitchen to grab the medicine for Y/n.

"If you would like to go home I got Y/n from here," Rio said from behind me.

"I can stay just a bit longer," I said," here I got some medicine to help with the fever and vomiting."

"Great! I'll bring it into them!" Rio smiled and disappeared back into the bathroom.

*Normal Pov*

The following day you felt so much better.

"Thank you so much for staying with me last night Rio!" You hummed as you set a plate down in front of her.

"Yeah no problem, I'm glad you're feeling better!" Rio smiled.

"Honestly I think it was the medicine Kite brought," you said.

"Speaking of Kite what's the deal between you two?" Rio asked.

"Huh? What do you mean?" You asked.

"He wasn't here for no reason," Rio smirked popping some rice into her mouth.

"It's not the way you're thinking," you sighed softly your cheeks turning a light red.

"Really cause you could have fooled me," Rio said.

"I know Kite cares about me... that much is clear. I- he- it's more complex than that," you sighed.

"Go on...," Rio encouraged.

"I saved Hart, his younger brother, a while back and honestly I think that's the only redeeming quality about me. I mean I can't even remember a thing about myself. Who would want to be with someone like that?! What if I was a terrible person Rio? What if this facade is all fake and deep down I'm a terrible person?" You ranted. Rio started laughing.

"Y/n if you were a terrible person you would of never brought me back," Rio smiled," and I don't think Kite only cared about you because you saved Hart. If that was the case I don't think he would of came yesterday. I saw that look in his eyes... he cares about you."

"Thanks Rio," you hummed.

"You're a good person Y/n, I can tell, so any doubts you have come to me! And I'll knock them out of the park!" Rio exclaimed.

"Yeah, right!" You smiled.

Despite just meeting Rio she felt like a long lost friend. Someone you'd known your whole life.

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