The Intro

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*the KOTLC crew are peacefully doing their own thing, when something teleports them to here*

Tam: What the fu-

Sophie:*covering Tam's mouth* SHUT UP THIS IS A KID FRIENDLY FANFIC AND YOU-

Keefe: Aww Foster is cute when she tries to act mad!

Sophie: *blushes madly* 

Fitz: *cough cough* Heyyy Sophie, you look nice today

Biana, Linh, Marella: OOOoooOOOooOOOOoooOOOoh

Sophie: Shut up guys *Blushes again*

Me: As much as I like where this conversation is heading, you guys have to react to stuff.

Tam: .....Like what?

Me: You know, ships, fanart, crossovers, ships, and fanfics. Did I mention ships?

Dex: Yeah you did. Why are you so obsessed with our love lives?

Me: *sobs* I don't have a love life......

Sophie: You should be lucky.

Keefe: Foster, I think you meant to say I'm honored to be in a love triangle with The Keef-

Me: Wrap it up, lovebirds! We're going to be reacting to ships in 3,2,1.......

Sorry for the short chapter! Continuing next chapter   


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