Chapter Eleven

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He was so one-track-minded that he didn't even remember the record-breaking sprint he made to her room. But as soon as his eyes saw the door in front of him, he realized rushing in while in a frenzy probably wasn't the best idea, considering she was already on edge as it was. If he came in in a panic, she would no longer have her room feel like a safe space, especially if she figured out why he was panicked.

Luckily, he knew Y/N didn't lock her door, so he quietly opened it and was careful not to startle anyone on the other side of it.

And sure enough, Y/N was fast asleep in her bed, unbothered.

He couldn't leave without checking the balcony locks and making sure any entry point besides the bedroom door was impossible to break into.

Without waking her and still doing a whole room security check, he found it all secure.

He knew he needed to leave so he wasn't invading her personal space, but a part of him didn't feel comfortable doing that. But she was safe, and there was nothing he could do but be there in close proximity for now.

He went back to his room, grabbed his computer, and quickly hacked into the security system. As he checked the cameras, he sat himself along the wall in the shared hallways of their rooms.

Sat up against the wall and in easy view of Y/N's door, he began investigating the perimeter cameras for anything out of the ordinary.

There was nothing of concern to come across the screen within the last few days, up to the point of late afternoon present day.

Some agents and other workers had walked on the trail, but none of them ventured off into the manicured lawn. A few gardeners came through, but they were spraying the lawn and not actually doing much gardening.

The tree line was hard to see through in the night's low lighting, but he did see the playback of him running and stopping.

He rewinded it a few times trying to see if he could see the movement that caught his attention in the first place, but nothing gave away what he seemed to have heard.

He watched himself investigate and look around the tree line a few times before he came up empty. But after playing it for the 6th time, he noticed a movement in the corner of the screen, barely making the picture.

He zoomed in and messed with the lighting to try and get a better look at the anomaly. The bush on the edge of the screen moved in an interesting way.

It wasn't something as simple as the wind because it looked like the leaves had been pushed away for someone to move around, but there was no one to have done it.

He couldn't seem to process the reasoning for the bush to move the way it did.

"Hey, what are you doing out here?" Wanda asked, just now getting back to her room.

He looked up, surprised by her presence, as he thought everyone was in bed for the night since it was late. He released his breath, seeing it was just her and no one else.

She looked to Y/N's door and then back to him.

"You ok?" she asked, genuinely.

"I'm okay," he tried to brush off his anxiety of the night. "What are you doing up?"

"Was running an errand," she lied. "Why are you up? And why are you just hanging out in the hallway instead of your room that's two doors down?" She joined his position along the wall and slid down to sit next to him.

"I went for a run and needed to check some of the security cameras." He wasn't lying, but he also wasn't giving her all of the truth.

She waited for him to go on and explain the random research, but he just kept clicking things on his computer and continuing on his self-proclaimed mission.

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