chapter 2

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Red has been your only client for three years now. Every Tuesday and Thursday, without fail, you made your way towards the fifth floor, where the bidding takes place and private rooms are held. Not entering the actual bidding room since Red bid on you the first time.

He comes to the bidding house before the bidding takes place, gives Mr. Min an envelope full of money, and makes his way to the private room, where you meet him after receiving the signal from Mr. Min. The first time entering the private room, you learned quickly what Red liked and didnt like. He loved to see your tears but hated to hear any noise. Now, three years later, you had adapted.

Most of the hybrids here have more than one client, depending on the type of hybrid they are. Areum, a blue arctic fox, has three clients. She is considered an exotic hybrid, and has a high bidding price. She has three clients, a woman who says that Areum reminds her of her daughter, and two men.

As a general rule, we never talk about what happens with our clients, but she always seems to know.

Nodding her head, Areum takes one more look at your neck before she goes to the closet. Pulling out the bruise cream that Hyuk had given to you after one of the really bad nights, she waves you towards her. Sitting down next to her on the bed, you turn towards her. She begins to apply the cream to your neck, stopping and starting again every time she sees you start to flinch or tense up.

She never moves away though, even as a hiss leaves your lips when she touches a particular spot. She continues to hum, eventually putting the cream away when she deems the job done. Areum sighs, glancing at your way once she sits back down on the bed.

"There is a door on the fifth floor," she begins, grasping onto your hands. "It used to be an old fire exit. It leads to the back alley. I want you to use it the next time he puts his hands around your neck." You look at her, eyes widening as she talks. Her face becomes soft, eyes welling with tears. She brings a hand up to cup your cheek.

"I can't see you hurt like this again." She stops, noticing you were going to interrupt her. "Don't even say it. I know you would never leave me behind. But you need to. You have a mate out there somewhere, waiting to love you and treasure you. Mine is waiting for me in a different place, waiting for the chance to see me again." She looks off to the side, emotion flashing in her stare.

"If you get the chance, run. I will be fine." You nod your head, not knowing what else to say to her as a tear falls from your face onto your lap. She brings her thumb up and wipes away the tears. Kissing your head, she helps you back to your own bed, whispering that lights out is gonna be called soon.

Watching her as she gets into her own bed, bringing the blanket up to her head, you wipe the rest of your tears away. Wondering if you would ever get the chance to meet your own mate.

Laying in bed with my blanket pulled over your head, Hyuk's words ring in your mind. What if he could really get us out of here? You sigh, turning onto your side, facing the wall.


Walking towards the cafeteria with Areum by your side, she explains what happened while you were in the doctor's office.

"Well, Minsoo still hasn't come back from her private room. The whispers say her bidder killed her. Anni received a new client. Some big shot ceo from the next city over. Apparently he heard all about the bidding from a friend of his."

She looks down at you, hand curled around your upper arm, bringing you closer to her as she continues, "We have six new hybrids. One just barely turned 15, while the others are all older." A sigh escapes her lips. You both shake our heads, knowing this means that everyone is going to be watched closer while the new recruits are monitored for the next couple of days.

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