Alden laughed, and shook his head. Stepped aside and ran his hands down his face again. She stayed silent because she couldn't figure out how to control this situation.

"You are marrying Charles Radcliffe. Is Harry aware of that?"

Wow. A low blow. Sooner than she expected to hear it. Somehow, River hoped to have time to prepare for such comments until the Oxford Ball. Apparently not.

"How is this any of your business?"

"How is it not any of my business?" the entitlement in his voice reminded River of their father, particularly when he found himself in a heated discussion during a meeting. It didn't happen often for the Hamilton kids substituted for his lack of presence at meetings but when it did, things usually elevated faster.

"Have you not got enough on your plate, brother? A season to finish—hopefully with more points than your rival? Your heavily pregnant fiancée—whom, I have heard, is planning your wedding and your baby shower alone because for some strange reason she refuses your help?"

Oh, River has heard about it all. The pent-up tension between her older brothers and their significant others. The way neither of them get along with their partners because, apparently, they are emotionally connected and deal with conflict at the same time.

"That is none of your—"

"Isn't it?" she interrupted him before he could've said what he very well wanted to say. "Isn't it my business, Alden? Isn't your fiancée supposed to become my sister? Your child my niece? The way you view ownership of my personal relationships is the same way I could shadow yours."

"This is not about me and my life but you and your reckless actions."

An evil sounding laugh erupted from deep within River's chest. Rumbled its way up her throat. "You've been speaking to Dorian, have you not? Sharing gossip about the recklessness I've been displaying."

"What are you talking about?"

"You're snooping for Dorian, aren't you? Trying to figure out what I get up to and who I associate with since I have an issue with the way I have fun, right?"

Confusion looked back at River before Alden verbally confirmed it. "I'm confused, Riv. What are you talking about?"

A loud exhale, and she said, "I have a friend who needed help. I went to Dorian and he accused me of being irresponsible and getting dragged into a group I probably should not be associating with. He made it out like he was concerned as my big brother but I know he feared the potential backlash it would cause. Your interrogation only supports my theory that he's sent people to watch out for what I do and it would not shock me to find you are included in that group."

"You sound insane," Alden laughed dryly. Looked over River like he didn't recognise her. His stare fixated behind her for a moment too long. "I'm not spying for our brother. I'm here because your PA told me you are. I wanted to talk to you then I found you cradled in my friend's arms like the two of you didn't despise each other last week."


"Irrelevant," he corrected. "I told you not to get mixed up with him, and you have done it regardless. You know your responsibilities and I know how you get attached to people."

"I already have a therapist I pay."

"You couldn't pay me enough to get inside your head, sister," he scoffed but amusement shone in his eyes. The same kind that reflected in River's own. The quick moment of siblings getting along faded swiftly. "Harry is not the kind of man you bring around our family and get away with it."

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