Orlando Bloom - Paracetamol?

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You were heading into month four of filming. Late last night, everyone was up practising sword fighting skills for the intense scene for today. Every move wa intricate, requiring a lot of concentration. If things couldn't be any worse, your period decided it wanted to arrive. Your stomach was riddled with intense cramps as you jumped around, thrusting your body forward in intense physical activity. 

"Cut!" someone shouted. 

As soon as he shouted that, you collapsed onto the floor, sitting with your head between your knees grunting in pain, biting your bottom lip. After a few minutes, you nodded toward Jerry to go to the bathroom. Once you came back, everyone was ready to begin again. 

"Okay," you sighed, grabbing your sword and carrying on. 

The scene was taking way longer than expected. And, as usual, it perpetuated the cramps sticking in your skin. An hour later, you had the scene to a level he was happy with. Whether they restarted it later was another issue you hadn't been bothered with considering. 

Sitting on the nearest chair, you sipped on the water continuously trying to ease the cramps. 

"Hey," Orlando said, sitting next to you with a drink. "You look like rubbish."

"Really nice you are, really nice," you smirked, rubbing your forehead. "I've got period cramps."

"Nice sounds like heaven,"

"More like hell, honestly, don't criticise until you've experienced them," 

"Have you been to the doctor? Surely they can give you something,"

"They aren't bothered. Have you got any paracetemol?" 

"Yeah! I definitely have some in the sword shieth, I'll go get you some," he soon returned with some, popping two pills in your hand. "There you go... steady on. You knocked them down your neck quickly." 

"I need them, thank you," you rested your head on his shoulder, and he massaged his hand through your hair. "They'll go mad at you for messing my hair up."

"It was already messy," he ruffled his hand through your hair more vigorously. "Even messier now."

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