8; Slovenly Bested

Start from the beginning

He heaved him up by adjusting Abbas's arm around his shoulder, gesturing at the driver to get into the goddamn car which he did, knowing fully well he's peed. Not that Abbas gave a damn when every crevice in his body is sloth.

His breath saw in and out as he concentrated on making sure the pain is going to disappear even if for a little minute. Jaleel adjusted his bloody leg eliciting a pained hiss and grunt at the exertion. His skin is blotchy, lips torn apart, forehead trashed to unrecognizable extent. Abbas squirmed in discomfort even though no one would expect him to feel a thing. He's survived far worse but being hurt doesn't change even if you've survived it billion times.

Jaleel said nothing, only focus on making sure Abbas is as comfortable as possible in the car.

They made their way to a small clinic that'll be sufficient. They asked no question, only dressed him and cleaned his wounds with few painkillers to ease and numb the pain for a time. That alone charged them a lot of money which is getting under Abbas's nerves though he won't think about it now. He needs to be on that plane. He wants to go home and be with his family and fiancée.

As soon as they landed in Katsina State, his sister was there to pick them up and she panicked. Of course she would. This is Munayah, she exaggerates everything and will probably message their mother before they even arrive. Isn't that too much for someone who's injured? Their mother is a mother hen, only close family know that.

"What happened? Were you guys in an accident?" She asked with wide doe eyes staring from his wounds to Jaleel.

"Kinda. He'll tell you about it when he gets better. First, let's get him home safely." Jaleel forced a smile on his face.

Whatever it was Munayah saw in his face made her shut up and open the back door for them. And that was a first because nothing stops Munayah from saying her mind whenever she wants to. Not even their father's eerie face.

She drives while turning around every ten seconds to check up on him or combing the rear view mirror to get a better look at him. Whenever she speeds on a bump or pothole, she'd wince as though she was the one injured. Is there anything as sister hen? Then his sisters can be that. Not to get him started on Afiyah, that one won't allow him to rest. They all look for littlest of things to hover over.

As soon as the large gates of the Bāmanga Tukur residence got yanked open, Abbas sighted the entire family waiting for them in the veranda. It took everything in him to not face palm at how dramatic they appeared at that moment. Their faces were stricken, eyes large and fingers knotted in nervousness. It's so nauseating, honestly.

And this won't be the last I get into accidents like this neither is this the first. I'm a goddamn navy officer for goodness sake.

He rolled his eyes when his mother walk-ran to the car along with his sisters but his father stayed back though worried to bones with those furrowed brows in the middle of his forehead. Abbas heaved himself out of the car, jumping on one leg so as to not fall and half showing them just how much of a small deal this is. They do not think so anyway.

"What happened?" Hajiya Hafsatu asked sharply, her eyes taking him in from head to toe counting the wounds and casts.

"Mom, it's really nothing. We met with an accident on our way to the airport. Nothing big." He swallowed, his eyes finding Jaleel's who sternly stood at the other side of the car.

He cannot tell his mother what had happened when he himself hadn't wrapped his head around what took place earlier on. What should he say?

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