6; Druxy... Nut-case

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ABBAS stared at the wee woman in front of him with a frown, his head tilted to the side not understanding why her entire attention was on him when he's darn sure he's never met her before. She doesn't look familiar neither did she strike him as someone who would go speak to a man because she is interested in him. If anything, her expressions screams dread and loathing at the same time something lurked within. Something acute to...longing?

He racked through his entire cranium for any idea as to why she was there looking up at him from her short height that shouldn't be more than five foot tall or five foot two tops. He is most definitely not the most handsomest man sitting there on that table. Apart from Jaleel, his other friends are first class Abuja playboys that girls fall at their feet for. All the time. Why him?

And she is extremely beautiful in an eerie way.

The strong smell of her perfume —Baccarat Rouge 540— was so expensive but intoxicating at the same time. Albeit looking a wee disheveled, she still manage to maintain a delightful appearance with a large shawl that closed her body from head to toe. She's got a small face, a face he can close entirely with his one palm and maybe have space left to cover her ears. He gave his thought a shake of head. Weirdo.

A long minute passed and she said nothing, only continued to gaze at him like he stole her candy. Why? Is she lost or is mistaking him for someone else? He's never been mistaken so she must be here for something else. He hoped to God from the depth of his heart that she is not interested in him. He's got a loving fiancée back at home waiting for him, a woman he can never betray. Not even for this prettier one. And he hates breaking women's heart.

Shuffling on his feet not used to women's attention —especially ones as beautiful as this— he inquired awkwardly. "Can I help you?"

Mariam mutinously scrunched up her face when all she wanted to do was swoon at the deep timbre and harsh hardness of his voice. Fuck! Could this man get any perfect? Why is it that everything about him makes her want to melt into a soft gooey on the dark restaurant tiled floor? It must be the charm working because why else would he be the first man to earn that reaction from her?

Instead of disgracing herself as she's pictured, she stepped closer to him, almost invading his personal space before she lowered her voice so only he could hear her.

"I need to speak to you right now." Her own voice was freaking husky when she murmured those words.

No! I'm not aroused or anything. It must be the sorcery working on me. I've never been aroused just like that. Never ever.

Abbas wanted to badly turn down her offer and sit back down with his friends but he was brought up better. There is no way he is going to humiliate a woman. For what sake anyway? She just wanted to speak to him. It might be business related.

"I'll be right back." He addressed his friends before leading the way expecting Mariam to follow but she just stopped to watch his ground eating strides seasoned with gait she's never encountered in twenty seven years of living.

And that wasn't the main reason she refused to follow him. She's usually leading the throngs. Be it Commissioner of Police, the Director General, the Field Marshal or anyone. Then why is this guy leading her out like a darn strayed puppy? Or chicken? And why does it look like he is contemplating talking to her something thousands of men covet day and night in their prayers?

She is sure his friends would all want that same opportunity. Who is this man?

Nevertheless, Mariam followed behind him begrudgingly. It's not like she expects him to know her when he looks like he lives under the rock in whichever village it is he came from. Like his entire focus is on growing up, being a responsible child and caring brother then getting married when the time is right. Who lives such a boring life now? Definitely not any Mariam is acquainted with in her life and she would like to keep it that way.

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