And hour has pass by and y/ns room was darker than Usual only the light source was the full moon.
And the strangers body was still on the ground still passed out

C/n was taking a mini nap when suddenly her computer was on
C/n open her one eye and saw y/n's computer was on and the screen was white and then something came out of y/ns computer.

There were two loud thud after, there were two more strangers came out off y/ns computer

The stranger was wearing links outfit with dirty blonde hair it has a red pupils and black eyes and was crying blood. The other stranger was wearing a purple hoodie with a black skirt and with was wearing a snickers with black hair and it has a purple tip on the hair

The two strangers was talking to each other while c/n takes the advantage of the darkness and walks behind them without them noticing

And c/n waits in the shadow, the strangers stops talking and looks under and saw there were stepping a river of blood on the floor

The strangers slowly looks to the direction to where the blood was leading too, and saw two figures lying on the ground they could see what the two figures are because the room was very dark and the only light source was the moon

So the strangers looks at each other and towards the two figures on the ground

When they got closer they saw the other strangers on the ground with the pile of blood on them and on to the floor

The strangers flinched when they saw who it was and was helping the passed out strangers

Then the stranger with the dirty blonde hair was attacked behind while there guard are down

C/n was scratching the guys back rapidly and the other stranger saw this and try to attack c/n with her knife

C/n Dodges the knife and kicks the girl with her back paw with claws and landing it on the girls chin and the girl falls into her back and c/n then goes to the girl and grabs her by the hair (by the way Ben and Nina dont know what C/n looks like because it was very dark they only saw the glowing eyes)

Then the other guy got up and charged at the glowing eyes and try's to kick the glowing eyes that who was dragging the girls hair, C/n dodges the kick and let's go of the girls hair

The guy took the opportunity and takes the girl and the other strangers
By his ability and ran towards y/ns computer and goes back in with the

C/n was licking her paws and her fur again and went to y/ns bed.

Another hour pass by y/n got home and was greeted by her destroyed room with a pile/river of blood on the floor and to the walls y/n looks at her floor and saw crowbar that wasn't hers,then y/n looks to her bed and saw c/n sleeping next to her gun and her taser gun and was something on c/ns mouth

And y/n goes to her cat and ignoring the crowbar on the floor and waking her up C/n looks at y/n and do a little stretch And meows after and when c/n meows the tiny clock drops off of c/n mouth and y/n catches the clock and looks at it for a moment then to her cat , c/n then rubs her head on y/n's mask and purrs like nothing had happened

Y/n sights in her mask this wasn't the first time c/n does this it was the 51th time actually, that who tries to steal from her and has to clean the blood or the body so no evidence was in her room whenever she comes back y/n mentally sighs and takes off her mask

And goes to her drawers and put the tiny clock inside and gets the cleaning materials and cleans everything on the room so evidence left

This is going to be y/n's long night
Y/n cleaned all of the blood and re organised her stuff and her books
After y/n was done she changed into her oversize t shirt with short shorts/jeans and cuddled her cat in bed and slept for the night

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