"I did this for me, because I couldn't stand being away from the girl I love." He cupped my cheek and pressed his lips against mine, but I pulled away quickly after.

"We've got to get you into the New Directions!" I gasped and he looked incredibly smug.

"I already have that figured out." He grabbed my hand and pulled me out to the courtyard, where there was a purple piano waiting there. The music started playing, and once it did, Blaine started dancing and soon forced me to join it in with him after he threw me his sunglasses and I put them on.

I spun around him as he copied my dance moves continued to sing to me, and it was all going wonderful until Quinn threw a cigarette onto the piano and it lit on fire.

"It was so good, and sexy. Don't worry about it, baby." I sat in Blaine's lap on his bed after school, running my hands through his hair and kissing his neck in between words.

"I thought so, but why did they have to light the whole thing on fire?" He pouted, and I groaned against his neck.

"You are not being very fun to make out with right now." I joked, sitting up and resting my hands on his shoulders.

"I'm sorry, I just can't stop thinking about it, my first day was a disaster." He complained, looking into my eyes.

"Well, my day was amazing, because my handsome, sweet, smart, talented, sexy boyfriend made a huge romantic gesture, then sung to me in front of the whole school. Don't focus on Santana or my sister, focus on me. The person you came to McKinley for." I smiled, trying my hardest to flatter him and it worked.

"I guess my day was pretty good now that I think about it." He bit his lip and I leaned in and pressed my lips against his, but his lips quickly left mine and started trailing south.

"Are you ready for your first day of Glee Club?" I asked Blaine while getting dressed. I had a drawer at his house now, ever since my mom gave me permission to sleepover at his house as my present for my 16th birthday.

"Never been more ready." He smiled, watching me get dressed, he had already been entirely ready. Blaine would always be up before me no matter what, and it made me sad sometimes because I wouldn't get to wake up next to him.

"I cannot wait, I'm too excited." I said to Kurt while we were waiting for Glee to start and he put his hands on mine.

"Okay, calm down. Deep breaths." He smiled as he led me in a breathing exercise, but I quickly stopped once I saw Blaine walk through the door.

"Ladies and gentlemen, let's hear it for Glee Club's newest member, Blaine Anderson!" Mr. Schue introduced him, and Kurt's hand went on my shoulder, as his way of reminding me to calm down.

"I'm so thrilled to be here, it's gonna be a great year, I can feel it. We're all gonna go to nationals!" He smiled and everyone cheered besides Finn and I kicked his chair.

"Is there a problem, Finn?" Mr. Schue asked him, also taking notice of this.

"I just want Blaine to know that we're not the Warblers. You know we're not into the bells and whistles or the ball hogging, you know?" Finn said, as Blaine came and sat next to me.

"Real big talk from someone who's had a solo or duet at every single competition this clubs ever had." I scoffed and Finn ignored me.

"I'm sorry, did I do something wrong?" Blaine asked, looking worried and I placed my hand on his knee to comfort him.

"Well, yeah, you set a bonfire in our courtyard." Finn said, and I wanted to punch him.

"Actually, doorknob, that was an act of political protest." Santana smirked.

"Which leads me to the next order of business. Santana, you need to leave. It was you and the Cheerios who set fire to our piano. How could you do that?" Mr. Schue walked up to her and I could see the tears in her eyes. I would of felt bad for her, if she didn't do it to my boyfriend who literally did nothing to her.

"Mr. Schue, Sue made me." She told him, looking at Brittany and I.

"Brittany and Sami didn't do it, don't look at them." He snapped and Brittany interjected.

"I would of helped but I don't know, I'm a water sign so..." She shrugged.

"If I had known it was going to happen, I would of stopped it." I smiled at Blaine, who put his hand on mine, which was still resting on his knee.

"You're banned from Glee. Don't come back unless you can be as loyal to this club as the rest of the people in this room." He motioned towards the door and Santana stomped out, tears streaming down her face as she reached the door, and turned around to look at me. I looked away from her as soon as we made eye contact and focused on Blaine, who was looking extremely upset.

"Good for you, Mr. Schue, it's about time we got some allegiance up in here." Mercedes said, and we all agreed.

"If we are going to win nationals, we need to be united." He said and Rachel stood up.

"Mr. Schue, I have an announcement. I think we should secure the rights to a less controversial show for our school musical. Wait for it, West Side Story." She said and I squeezed Blaine's knee and his face lit up at this. He would be the perfect Tony and he knew it.

"It just so happens to have a role that showcases my talent perfectly: Maria." She smiled and my face dropped.

"For which there will be open auditions, right?" I looked at Mr. Schue.

"Mercedes is feeling extremely pretty this year, you two better watch out." Mercedes grinned.

"Kurt, you had something too, right?" Mr. Schue changed the subject to Kurt who bounced up immediately.

"Kurt Hummel is wading into McKinley High's shark infested political waters and running for Senior Class President. Alright, I thank you in advance for your votes." He sat down, and I applauded, my mind racing about the play, and how I was going to get Maria so that I could play her opposite Blaine. This was going to be my start to being Glee's female lead and I was going to make it my mission to get the role.

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