Its really beautifull how his small eyes will turned into a cresent moon when he smiles. "

" good morning " A nurse wished to a doctor who returned it immediately with a bright smile making his eyes turn into Cresent , he smiled making the people in the hallway to coo at him

The said doctor turned to his right heading to a door which has a board on it saying children's wards

A smile formed on his face just thinking about the boy how he is going to rush to him to engulf in a hug to share his daily activities and to join him to play with his friends

" Park jimin " he turned to the sound

" felix "

" congtrats man party party yaa " latter patted his shoulder making him chuckle

" sure how about tomarrow "

" deal I am going to tell this to them " flex flewed from there excitly to share this news to there coworkers or their friends

" uncle ! " yun rushed to his uncle engulfing him in a big hug when latter leaned to his size

" uncle I got a new friend I was talking about you to her "

" really " he ruffled his hair and walked to the girl who is looked at him amused

" you are right he really looks like an angle " jimin chuckled at that

" Dr park there is a patient for you "
A nurse informed jimin

" I am coming "

" congrats jimin from now on you are officially a doctor " Lee Jong suk offered his hand with a proud smile when jimin gladly accept it

" thank you sunbanim " jimin smiled shyly when latter chuckled and ruffled Younger's hair admiring his cute intern opps he was his intern but from now on he is his co worker

" jimin ! " his coworker called him making him frown , latter disturbed when he was admring his sunbanim who is walking away

" aish bogum what now "

" cool jimin I don't know you were very busy admiring your sunbae " latter wiggled his eye brow in a teasing manner

" what's that " jimin asked when he notice a box in his hand " don't tell me " he took it immediately

Congrats for achieving your dream my love , a small gift from your one and only

Mr marriage breaker

" jimin why did you do that " bogum questioned latter when jimin dumped the box into a dustbin " who is it "

" not so important person " latter said before walking to his cabin

Jimin took a deep breathe ' finally ' he thought walking out of the hospital building

" woaw it's already 9 ah-" he flinched when a man in full black stopped infront of him

" sir your car is ready get it " the man bowed at him before guesturing him to enter the car , which now stopped infront of him

another man step out from the car opening the door wide for him to enter

" yeonjun Kai can you please stop this act I am already exhausted I have no time for your childish behavior " jimin said in frustration

" cool down sir it's not good for your health and we can't disobey our boss order " jimin Strom inside the car , letting out a light frustrated scream

Mr Marriage Breaker -  a Yoonmin ffWhere stories live. Discover now