World of Thoughts

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World of Thoughts:

2- The world of Thoughts contains two layers, one for the thoughts of those who have died and the other for those who are alive.

(The Thoughtworld collects all of a person's lifetime thoughts after he or she dies, and stores it like computer data.)

The Thought World is outside the Multiverse, but in a Higher Dimension Containing only 6 Dimensions: 4 Higher Dimensions and one for the infinite Space-Time Continuum.

The 4th Dimension is where the Computer that stores all the Thoughts of those who have died is located.  The Thoughts of all, including the Gods, are divided into two Sub-Layers.

The 6th Superior Dimension is where the Machine Gods are located, better known as the Caretakers of the World of Thoughts, whose only function is to protect and take care of this world.

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