36-S rank students!

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"You mean like the Chan household as in the uprising independent noble family which is rumored to have wealth that challenge even the royal family in the Saintos kingdom?",the teacher asked excitely making Ray momentarily shocked

"Umm,I guessed so?",the teacher's eyes brightened and it seemed as if he was about to tackle Ray in a hug but he then paused and composed himself. He cleared his throat and gave the much needed introduction.

"Okay I welcome you all to the Azure academy,a magic school of prestige with the goal of producing high level mages and warriors to protect each kingdom from destruction".

"I want to let you all know that you five are not the only students enrolled in the school this year,there actually hundreds of students but most of them are beginners consisting of novices and apprentices and some greater mages and warriors. You five however are different as you are much more powerful than that and you also the first group of students with the honor of being S rank students on the first day of school".

"Students are divided into ranks from D the weakest to S strongest and students in this academy are trained to increase their ranks as time goes by. The ranks do not focus on levels but focused soley on skill. There are rare cases were an apprentice mage or warrior would be able to defeat a person at a level higher than them like greater mage or warrior level,but they would also be able to hold against or deal some damage to a sky level individual".

"This is because they might be better skilled than others so the academy although focuses on improving students level their main goal is to train and hone their skills more".

"So out of the hundreds of students received you five are deemed to have the greatest potential and strength. A test will be carried out tomorrow in which if you pass you will directly become an S rank students but if you fail then you would be given special training and teachers to improve your skills till you are ready to face the test once more. More information shall be given to you once you pass the test".

Once the teacher finished his talk they were allocated five different rooms and Ray not wanting to be anywhere near these people he was the first to leave the classroom. He did not want to go to his room yet so he took a detour and went a few levels down, while walking Ray was so deep in thought that he bumped into a wall. It was not actually a wall it was a chest to be presise and it was hard but comfortably warm at the same time that Ray unknowingly closed his eyes and released a relaxed sigh.

 It was not actually a wall it was a chest to be presise and it was hard but comfortably warm at the same time that Ray unknowingly closed his eyes and released a relaxed sigh

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Ray's mind took a while to register what was happening and when he did he froze stiff,he slowly lifted his head wide eyed as he stared at the tanned guy with hard brown eyes and brown coppery coloured hair to match . When Ray saw the hard stare of the guy he did the most logical thing to do in these type of situations,he fled, Ray used accelerate and ran the way he came at great speed and did not stop until he arrived at his room. He put his back to the door after closing it breathing hard but was happy to be confined in the space of his supposed room.

Looking around the room was simple but luxurious in the sense that the furniture was of very good quality. Ray went to the bed and plopped down on it facing the ceiling,he started to recall the previous encounter and blushed since the guy he bumped into was both scary and handsome. During his thoughts he also started to recall Marshall the beastman having left quite an impression on him. While Ray was still lost in his thoughts a knock came on his door and Ray opened it to meet the person he was just thinking about, Marshall stood there and Ray's heart was beating like crazy that it was all he could hear until the guy waved his hand over his face.

After listening Ray was embarrassed because he left the class a bit too early and didn't get the chance to be given a tour in the school like the others so Marshall decided to take him instead. Ray thanked the guy and together they travelled around the school with Marshall pointing at different buildings and explaining their uses, Ray was also shown the field they were going to meet tomorrow. The tour took the whole day and by the time they were done the sky was darkening so Marshall decided to bring him back to his room. Once Ray was in his room he processed the information he received in the day. He found out they were to meet in the morning around eight (others see the time on their watches but Ray can just see it in his panel,he can also set alarms that will ring in his head) and also that when getting food at the cafeteria they will mix with other freshmen and first years while the second years and above have their own.

Ray having planned things out he fell asleep.

Beep~ beep~

Ray was woken by a beeping sound in his head which sounded like an alarm,he opened his panel and found the time to be five so he willed the beeping to stop and went to freshen up. After freshening up he wore the school uniform which consisted of dark blue pants, white shirt and a blazer or coat with the academy's emblem on the left bicep which looked like a golden Phoenix rising up in the sky with the sun in the background. The emblem was embroidered with golden silk and it was also very detailed. Ray chose to wear short pants and the school's cloak today since he felt like it and he wore black shoes that Gideon bought him but they awfully looked like sneakers to Ray but he loved them nonetheless.

He arrived at the feild they were supposed to meet and he was not late as there were still five minutes before eight but he was still the last one to arrive making the others glare at him. Ray had spent too much time on putting on the different lotions that Gideon had bought for him which were also to his liking and decided to have his own breakfast he took from his storage ring. Ray did not pay the others any mind and turned to look at the teacher they had met the previous day and Ray deduced he was their class teacher.

"Ok class as I said yesterday today we are going to be testing just how skilled you are with your spells and fighting ability".

"We will start with casting,now I'm sure everyone of you had already can already cast spells without chanting but just directly state the spell. There are also cases were you will be able to just cast the spell in your mind without needing to say it out loud which is a higher form of casting called wordless chanting".

"But it doesn't end there as there is also two other forms which others may find really hard to do even for your seniors, these are dual casting and multi casting. Multi casting is where one may be able to cast a spell multiple times. Dual casting is where one may be able to cast two or more spells at the same time. I'll give you an example",just as Mr Saivon said this he vanished and appeared in the middle of the feild and faced towards one of the practice dummies placed a few meters away from him.

Several multiple circles appeared around the pixie and fire arrows were shot at great speed accurately hitting one of the dummies,the dust cleared to show a completely intact dummy and Ray guessed they were made of extremely hard and resistant material. The teacher turned to look at them and said that was multi wordless casting before turning back to the dummy one more time and this time two large magic circles appeared around the teacher and one shot the fire arrows from before while the other shot fire balls. Mr Saivon once again once turned to them and explained that that was dual casting but instead of heading back to them he turned towards the practice dummies once more which now began to move charging at the teacher. The pixie flew up high in the air but the dummies followed but many magic circles appeared in the air and shot fire ball and arrows successfully hitting all the dummies in the causing them to drop to the floor leaving all the five students amazed.

The teacher appeared before them with a grin and told them that was multi dual casting which only few can do. He was right too as Ray too finds it hard to cast multiple spells which are different at the same time so Ray looked at the pixie with more respect since he knew that was just a demonstration and the pixie could probably cast more powerful complex spells.

"Now it's your turn,show me what you are capable of "

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