chapter one

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[This takes place after Godzilla 2014]

Godzilla - Looks like we had some Big" misunderstanding we huh? *Chuckles*.

Hudson - *chuckles* Yeah, it Was a Big Misunderstanding, Indeed But.

Godzilla - But... What? *Confused*

Hudson - *looks down at the scrap pile under the building* There's Something" Underneath! Those Rocks!?

Godzilla - *looks down closely* It Looks likely a tiny Human child!

Hudson - *Gasp* But How those Human child... Went down There And Survived"!? *Confused* Most importantly we need to Find where Her family is...

Godzilla - *nod his head* Okay" But first. I will go take them with Me will they be safe. *Smiles*

Hudson - All Right then, I will fly top of the sky. And I can see if, I will find there family.
*Flies up top of the sky*

Godzilla - All Right then just tell! The other Titans! to keep The lookout from the other Human's! If They're related to each other!!!

Monaco - What Happened?

Godzilla - We found Human Underneath those Rocks building's. And We found their families. *Shows her a little Human*

Monaco - *Cute noise* isn't they such a cutie! Little Human childrens"!

[Hudson land beside Godzilla and Monaco]

Hudson - I'm Sorry, But... There's,... No signs of Any Human's Around The Area.

Godzilla - *Sides* Well,.. I guess we have to take This child with Us Then...

[Godzilla and Hanson and Monaco]
Met the other Titans,
Including Godzilla's lovely Queen Mothra.

Mothra - Hello My lovely King.
*Smiled lovely*

Godzilla - Hello My lovely Queen.
*Smiled lovely*

Mothra - what's have you got There" With your hand's Godzilla *questionably*

[Godzilla showed Mothra a tiny human]
On his big hand Tiny Human...
Was hurting"

Ghidorah - What do you have There Godzilla? *Said same time*

San - Oh" Come on can't We see it pleases,
*Cute adorable eyes*

Ni - Yeah mate, Why we cannot see it then? *Angry*

Kevin - Don't brother San, Ni, it's waste of time. But seriously what do you have there? Godzilla *Curiously*

Godzilla - *Glared's* Nothing your
business dragon breath.

[Moonhidora joins the conversation]

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